Wednesday, February 24, 2010

"Waiting On" Wednesday: Husband and Wife

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted here, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

This week's pre-publication "can't-wait-to-read" selection is:

Husband and Wife
By Leah Stewart
Publication Date: May 4

From HarperCollins:

Sarah Price is thirty-five years old. She doesn't feel as though she's getting older, but there are some noticeable changes: a hangover after two beers, the stray gray hair, and, most of all, she's called “Mom” by two small children. Always responsible, Sarah traded her MFA for a steady job, which allows her husband, Nathan, to write fiction. But Sarah is happy and she believes Nathan is too, until a truth is revealed: Nathan's upcoming novel, Infidelity, is based in fact.

Wise, funny, and sharply drawn, Leah Stewart's Husband and Wife probes our deepest relationships, the promises we make and break, and the consequences they hold for our lives, revealing that it's never too late to step back and start over.

What's your "waiting on" pick this week?

Want to participate? Grab the logo, post your own WoW entry on your blog, and leave a link in the comments section!


Astrid (Mrs.B) said...

Interesting! Here's what I'm waiting for:

Jan von Harz said...

Your WOW sounds though-proking.

Here is my WOW

Anonymous said...

Here's what I'm waiting for:

Nina said...

Sounds very interesting!

Here's my pick for the week

Anonymous said...

Mine is here

Mary (Bookfan) said...

That sounds like a good read! My Wow Pick is a romance this week.

INCiDeNT (Kayleigh) said...

Interesting WoW. ;)

Mine is here.

Mari - Escape In A Book said...

Husband and Wife sounds like a good book! And I believe that it's never to late to start over :)

My WoW: Raised by Wolves

Tina's Blog said...

I still have Leah Stewart's first novel on my TBR pile. I better get reading!
Here's my pick:

Shonda said...

Husband and Wife is on my TBR List too. Here's what I'm waiting for:

Anonymous said...

Oooh, I like the sound of yours! Here's mine!

Anonymous said...

Hadn't heard of that one. Thanks for sharing. Here's mine

j said...

Here is mine for the week:

Aleksandra said...

Interesting! Here's mine:

A Bookshelf Monstrosity said...

Ha! I've also noticed the hangover after two beers phenomenon creeping up on me as well.

My pick for the week is Jane's Fame: How Jane Austen Conquered the World.

Lizzy said...

Sounds interesting! Here's mine:

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

I liked this authors earlier book: The Myth of You and Me --great pick

Here is Mine:

Anonymous said...

Here is my WOW:

Christina / Book Addict said...

Great teaser! Here is mine:

YA Book Queen said...

Ooh, jeez. That one sounds like quite a story!

Here's mine

Erica said...

Here's mine:

Karissa E said...

for the week :-)

Book Butterfly (Kim) said...

Great pick! Here is mine:

nomadreader said...

Great pick! My pick this week is My Wife's Affair by Nancy Woodruff.

BookHounds said...

I am waiting for Christopher Moore's new book, Bite Me

Madi said...

Wow, interesting pick! Mine is here

Lori said...

Awww, feeling bad for her. I think this book would depress me. Here's Mine

Alayne said...

Looks good! I cheated a bit again this week, but this book just came out and it's too good not to rave about. My WOW is at The Crowded Leaf.

Kari Olson said...

I think I like that title name alone haha. =)

Here's my pick!

ninefly said...

WoW: The Gardner

Bonnie said...

My WOW pick is HERE.

PolishOutlander said...

Oh my! Th scandal! :)
Here is my pick

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Uh-oh, that one sounds like a very realistic book that I'm sure to enjoy!

Mine is here:

Cassandra said...

Interesting pick!

My WoW is Keep Sweet by Michele Dominguez Greene.

Vicki said...

This sounds good! here's mine

Melissa (i swim for oceans) said...

I love the sound of this one! Mine is here :)

joyh82 said...

Sounds different and good too. I will have to add it to my never ending
Here is mine, have a great week!
Books and Life

Carrie at In the Hammock Blog said...

Uh oh, I don't think I can read this one if cheating is such a major theme. I think I've read another book by this author though and liked it...something about "you and me" I can't remember the exact title.

Here is my WoW pick!!

Sara said...

Wow this looks so good! I'll have to check it out :)

Here's mine:

Lacey J Edwards said...


My Pick.

Mel (He Followed Me Home) said...

That looks interesting! Not sure I like the subject of his novel though, grrr

here's min:

Crystal said...

Here's what I'm waiting for

Christina T said...

Husband and Wife sounds like a book that I'd like. Here is my WoW pick this week.

Anonymous said...

Sounds good; I always enjoy a scandel!

Here's mine.

Jessica Lawlor said...


Here's what I'm waiting for:

Maria (Serpentine Library) said...

Sounds interesting!

This week I'm waiting for 13 to Life

Judylynn said...

Here's mine:

Unknown said...

I don't really like reading books about marriages. I only just got married and I'm kind of superstitous. Here is my pick:

Michelle Santiago said...

i don't know if i'll be picking this up as i stay away from infidelity stories but it sounds very interesting nonetheless!

here is mine:

Anonymous said...

Hangover after two beers? I'm impressed! I'm a one-drink only hangover girl myself, these days. Sigh.

Here is my WOW.

Laurie T said...

Your pick sounds interesting!

Here are mine:


Manga Maniac said...

Here is mine:

Chantele Sedgwick said...

Here's mine!:)

Valerie Kemp said...

Sounds cool. Here's mine:

Rachel said...

Here is my WoW:

Kath said...

Sounds interesting! Here is my WOW + Author Interview:

Courting Miss Lancaster by Sarah Eden

Tami said...

Here's my WoW:

bermudaonion said...

Oh my gosh, wouldn't that be horrible! The book sounds so good1 Do you have a new header, or am I unobservant? It looks great, by the way!

Allison said...

You can find mine here.

Kristi said...

Ouch, what a way to find that out!

Here is my WoW pick.

Little Miss Becky :) said...

Yours looks like an interesting story! Sounds like you might need tissues, though!

I posted my very first WoW this week! Check it out here!

Unknown said...

Here's my Wow - The Mage in Black by Jaye Wells!.

Cackleberry Homestead said...

This sounds really good - I haven't participated in a while, but I wanted to cruise in and see what is coming out in the next few months.

Thanks so much for hosting this - hopefully I will get back to it next week.

Mariana S said...

Looks very good, here´s mine


Sara said...

My WoW post:


Robby said...

This sounds really great!
My WoW pick this week is House Rules by Jodi Picoult. :]

Sab H. said...

Mine's here!

The Library Lurker said...

Sounds good! Here's mine!

Gwendolyn B. said...

Ha! Sounds like something that could really happen - and probably has!

Here's mine!

Lauren said...

Sounds intriguing!

Mine's here.

A.J. said...

Here's what I'm waiting on:
The Piper's Son


Emily said...

Here's mine!

Eli said...

Here is mine!

Curling up by the Fire said...

That sounds pretty interesting and would probably hit close to home.

Here's what I'm waiting for:

Melissa said...

I'm waiting on Inside Out by Maria Snyder!

Carin Siegfried said...

I really liked Leah Stewart's 2 previous books. I didn't know she had a new one coming up! Thanks so much. That'll go right on my TBR list. Here's mine:

Booksnyc said...

I think the sound of this one!

My WoW is "So Much For That" by Lionel Shriver

Alex Bennett from Electrifying Reviews said...

I did mine on Spells by Aprilynne Pike!

Here's my post...

Katy said...

Here's what I'm waiting for!

Bri Ahearn said...

This one sounds really interesting, will have to watch for it.

Here's my W.O.W, a YA lesbian novel!

Ivy said...

Interesting book! Might check it out. :)

Here's mine.

Thanks for sharing. :)

Jackie said...

This sounds like a cute book.

I forgot to link mine on time this week!

Beverly said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Beverly said...

Check out my "Want to Read" Wednesday at

Mardel said...

I posted my Waiting on Wednesday over at

Thanks for hosting this, it's fun to see what everyone else is looking forward to.