Wednesday, November 23, 2011

"Waiting On" Wednesday: The Song Remains the Same

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted here, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

This week's pre-publication "can't-wait-to-read" selection is:

The Song Remains the Same
By Allison Winn Scotch
Publication Date: April 12

From Amazon:

One of only two survivors of a plane crash, Nell Slattery wakes in the hospital with no memory of the horrific experience--or who she is, or was. Now she must piece together both body and mind, with the help of family and friends, who have their own agendas. She filters through photos, art, music, and stories, hoping something will jog her memory, and soon, in tiny bits and pieces, Nell starts remembering.

It isn't long before she learns to question the stories presented by her mother, her sister and business partner, and her husband. In the end, she will discover that forgiving betrayals small and large will be the only true path to healing herself and to finding happiness. 

What's your "waiting on" pick this week?

Want to participate? Grab the logo, post your own WoW entry on your blog, and leave your link below!


  1. I've never heard of this, but like the sound of it.

    My WOW

  2. Oh man I LOVE amnesia stories! I may have to check that one out!

    My Wow


  3. This one sounds truly, seriously interesting! And ONG I love the cover!

  4. For some reason the Mr. Linky isn't working. I can see enter to submit my link so I am not able to press enter. Any ideas??

    Here is my WOW:

  5. Sounds good I'll have to check it out.

  6. I'm having the same problem I can type in my info but can't see the enter to click it.

    So here is my WOW for this week.

  7. I haven't heard of this but it sounds interesting, I may have to check it out!
    My WoW

  8. Love the cover but I'm not so sure about the story :)

    My WoW

  9. I haven't heard of this book before seems to the case for a lot of people sounds interesting. Happy reading, here is my pick.

  10. Sounds like and interesting and heart warming read, though it normally isn't my cup of tea.

    I couldn't click on the ENTER of the Linky Link so I decided to put my link here.

  11. Very pink book! =) Love the color and the title too. I hope this book is as good as it sounds.

    Happy Wednesday!

  12. Oooh! This looks pretty damn interesting! Thanks for sharing! =]


  13. This looks great. I love a but of mystery to my books!

    Check out my IMM here.

    Emma @ Lost in a YA Book

  14. This book sounds interesting :D

    Here is our WOW for this week. Our second participation :D

  15. I've enjoyed this author in the past Jill, so hoping this pick of yours is a good one as well.

    I hope my link took as something is funky with Mr Linky today.

    Here is my pick:

    Happy Thanksgiving Jill.

  16. I really love this author, and this one sounds awesome!


    I couldn't get the Linky to work!

    I'll try again.

  17. Aww, this sounds like such a sweet book! I don't know why, but I have a thing for amnesia books & ones where the character is finding out new things about her life that she didn't notice before, so I definitely love the sound of this one! :)

    Here's my WOW!

    Awesome pick as always, Jill! This meme is one of the many reasons why I just love Wednesdays! :)

  18. I haven't heard of this one before, but now I can't wait to read it too. Thank you for sharing! :)

    Here's mine:

  19. I can't get my link to work either, will try again later but here is my WOW. Great pick!

  20. For some reason the linky widget isn't working.. Just wanted to let you know!

  21. I'd just like to let you know that your link widget is not working, at least not on my end. There's no "Enter" button to click on...

    I did the post last night, and now I can't link up. I'm going to try again when I get to work, because I have to go out the door in 15 minutes.

    Just in case, here's my link:

  22. The linky isn't working for me either and I can't see all the blogs that have already signed up.

  23. Thanks for the weekly meme. I love snooping around the blogosphere and finding new books I want to read!

  24. Okay, I tried luck with the linky...

    Here's MY WOW POST and

  25. This is an old theme. I wonder if there is a new twist.

  26. Hey guys...looks like Mr. Linky is having problems this week. I tried to re-code and it deleted the previous links...and still doesn't look like it's working :(

  27. That book sounds really great. The linky doesn't seem to be working. I can see the list, but won't let me add. Here's mine.

  28. This one does sound good.

    *For those having problems - just press enter after you have the 2nd box filled out.

  29. That book looks really good!

  30. I've always loved seeing WoW posts pop up on my reader and this is the first week participating I'm myself. Thanks for hosting!

  31. sounds interesting. Here's my WOW, I'm not sure if the linky worked.

  32. This sounds really good! Great pick:)

  33. Sounds good and I love the cover!

  34. Amnesia stories are getting popular again, great pick!

    Waiting on Wednesday @ Radiant Shadows

  35. Mr. Linky apparently started celebrating Thanksgiving a little early.

    Our WoW

  36. I've never heard of the book. But looks interesting.

  37. Hmm, it looks like only some of the links are showing up. Weird...

  38. You're book looks great! I'm adding it to my list :)

  39. Well, I tried it again when I got to my office, and it still doesn't work. It's very weird...half the widget is there. The word "Enter", which usually appears off to the right, so that participants can link up, is missing. Also, only 38 blogs are showing! Back at my house this morning, I was able to see up to 72blogs. Very strange...I've noticed, in reading other comments, that I'm not the only one having this problem. I don't understand, though, how some of the blogs on the list were able to link up...could it be Martian interference in my neck of the woods, as well as in other necks of woods in the blogosphere? Lol.

    As for the book you chose for this week's WOW, it sounds very interesting. Although amnesia stories are not new, this one does seem to have a little twist in it. Should be good! Thanks for sharing!!

    Maria @

  40. I haven't heard of this book, but it sounds interesting. =)

  41. Hi! I don't know this author but the blurb make it sounds interesting!

  42. I think I'll pass on this one. I'm in a kidlit mood lately.

    My WOW

  43. This sounds like a great read and I just love the cover!
    Here is my Wow

  44. Your pick sounds really interesting! I'm always intrigued by amnesia stories.

  45. This looks like a really interesting book!!! Thx for sharing!

  46. Interesting story, I like amnesia stories sometimes.

  47. That one sounds pretty good. I may look it up.

  48. Sounds interesting! I always find amnesia stories fascinating especially when family and friends have their own agenda. Great choice!

  49. This books sounds interesting and possibly heartbreaking with betrayal.

  50. I just read about about a plane crash..Night Stangers..
    Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

  51. So the linky wasn't working for me either, but just clicking enter on my keyboard allowed me to have it submitted. It's up there, but for some reason you cant see it fully, sooo, here's the link:

  52. sounds interesting, the linky isn't working for me either.

  53. I've never heard of this book! I might look into it more!

  54. Love this cover, gonna have to check out this book!

  55. Thank you Jill, for hosting these events.
    A work to the wise for the other posters: If you leave your blog address in these Comments, you open yourself up to the bots on the internet which will post anything from toner cardtridge ads to porno on your websites. Simply use the form that Jill provides and trust that.

  56. Mines up there. Check it out!
    TayteH @ Reading in Paradise

  57. Wow this sounds intense! lol. Although it does remind me of a Adult Romance written by Sophie Kinsella, lol. Thanks for sharing your choice this week with us :)

  58. Thanks for hosting this wonderful event. This is my first week!

    My WoW

  59. Hey, the link isn't working for me. My WoW is here:

  60. Wow this one looks really good. I've never read an amnesia story too. Must add to my TBR! Great choice!

    My WoW:

  61. The linking is not working, so here is my WOW

  62. I love the title of this book and the premise sounds intriguing. I haven't heard of it before, thank you for sharing.

  63. This sounds really interesting!


  64. great pick, Jill! love the pink cover!

    oh and mr linky didn't work for me either ):

    so here's My WoW post this week


  65. Linky didn't work so here is mine!

  66. I'm having trouble entering it.... so here is my WOW...

  67. That would be terrifying not to remember anything, AND not be able to trust the people around you to tell you the truth!!

    Here are my WoW picks this week!

  68. This is my first WoW. Love reading about upcoming books, especially author's that are new to me.

  69. My link is not coming up. Here is my WOW:

  70. Link isn't working too great so here's my WoW (:

  71. My link isn't working, either, so here's mine:

    Thanks :)

    The Teen Bookworm

  72. Doesn't look like my link went through. Here's my WOW this week -

  73. New to this, thanks for hosting this event!

    Not sure the form is working for my link, but here's my WoW.

  74. That one looks great!

  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

  76. My WOW this week :)

  77. always one of my fave meme!!!!!!

  78. i'm not sure if mine linked, but i do love this activity each week!

  79. Thanks for sharing and Happy Thanksgiving!
    I’m a new follower :)
    Rachel Brooks Writes

  80. This sounds interesting.

    Hmmm.. Link is not working still. Here is mine:

  81. having problems getting my post up so here it is!!!!! you wanna check this book out because IT COMES OUT TOMORROW!!!!!! My Pathway to Books

  82. This was my first WoW post...I'm new to book blogging and in need of followers!
    Jessi @ Auntie Spinelli Reads

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