Wednesday, January 26, 2011

"Waiting On" Wednesday: When God Was a Rabbit

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted here, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

This week's pre-publication "can't-wait-to-read" selection is:

When God Was a Rabbit
By Sarah Winman
Publication Date: May 10

From Amazon:

In a remarkably honest and confident voice, Sarah Winman has written the story of a memorable young heroine, Elly, and her loss of innocence--a magical portrait of growing up and the pull and power of family ties. From Essex and Cornwall to the streets of New York, from 1968 to the events of 9/11, When God Was a Rabbit follows the evolving bond of love and secrets between Elly and her brother Joe, and her increasing concern for an unusual best friend, Jenny Penny, who has secrets of her own. With its wit and humor, engaging characters whose eccentricities are adroitly and sometimes darkly drawn, and its themes of memory and identity, When God Was a Rabbit is a love letter to true friendship and fraternal love.

What's your "waiting on" pick this week?

Want to participate? Grab the logo, post your own WoW entry on your blog, and leave your link below!


Carissa said...

I haven't read a good coming of age tale in a while. This one sounds like an attention grabber.

June G said...

Hmm...what's up with Penny. Sounds intriguing.

Casey (The Bookish Type) said...

Aww wow -- I love that this focuses on friendship and family, rather than romance for once. Great pick!

BLHmistress said...

Um definitely something I haven't read for awhile. I keep saying I wanna try something out of my norm and haven't done it yet and this sounds perfect. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

Anonymous said...

Sounds good! Interesting title ;-)

I haven't done a Waiting On for a few weeks so I've listed 4 books today :-)

Mari - Escape In A Book said...

Not quite sure if this book is for me but I'll keep it in mind :) Thanks for sharing it with us. Have a wonderful day.

Jan von Harz said...

This book covers a lot of ground and sound very complex. Wondering about the brother sister relationship. Interesting pick.

La Toya said...

I agree with Carissa, haven't read a good coming of age in years! Sounds like a good pick!

Tina's Blog said...

I love coming of age books....I'm adding this one to my list.

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

This sounds intriguing. Love the cover as well.

Melissa (i swim for oceans) said...

love the title and premise of your pick! :)

One Pushy Fox said...

Thanks, as always, for hosting this!! And your book sounds really interesting. :D

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Wow, this one is definitely going on my list! Thanks for sharing....

Kaye said...

This sounds like a good one especially the initial setting. The meaning of the tile eludes me,however.

Aleksandra said...

Sounds really interesting!

Shelly B said...

Love your pick today! The cover really caught my attention.

bermudaonion said...

I'd pick that one up for the title alone.

Joyce said...

Friendship and family :)
Sounds great!

Gwendolyn B. said...

I want to check this out just to figure out that title! Good thing the story sounds good, too!

Carrie at In the Hammock Blog said...

Very interesting choice, the cover reminds me of alice!

nomadreader said...

This book sounds really interesting (and the cover is to die for!)

Stephanie H. said...

My first time participating! So many books I'm waiting on.

The Book Angel said...

Your pick this week sounds really good! It's good to take a break from all the love stories and supernatural type books I've been reading lately. So this is, yet another, book I'll have to add to my list! Thanks!

My Waiting on Wednesday:

joyh82 said...

Great minds think alike, I almost posted the same exact book ;)
Have a great week!
Joy at Books and Life

Tevya said...

Interesting pic. Definitely out of my normal reading preferences. Thanks for spotlighting it!

Tevya @ Reading Lark

Liz said...

So many great books coming out this year! Can't wait to read them!

That's What Liz Read

DJL said...

Sounds like a great title. I'll have to check to see if we can order for the collection. :)

Natalie said...

This is my first time taking part in Waiting on Wednesday! I have an ever-growing list of books that I'm dying to read but have picked the one that's topping it right now :)

Now I can delve into the other links posted here and add even more to my "must read" list!

Buriedbybooks said...

What an interesting title!

Me said...

Great post! Just finalized my first WOW. Thanks for the great meme. See my pick at

Cackleberry Homestead said...

Sounds like an interesting book, I'll have to put this one on my list.

Aislynn said...

Sounds interesting! I'll have to check that one out :)

Knit Purl Stitch Read & Cook

ephrielle said...

I thought it might be fun to try the party out this week. Thanks for the idea and opportunity.

Lisbeth said...

Wow! Sounds like a really good book. I cant wait to read it!

Check out my WoW:

Kat said...

intriguing title. Darn, I am SO late linking up today. Stupid school. :)

Izzy said...

That book sounds interesting, it's my first time hearing about it so I'm definitely adding it to my TBR pile. Happy Wednesday!

the Decayed Fish said...

This is my first week participating. :) Your WOW novel is interesting; adding it to my TBR list!

Bethany said...

I like the title :)

HBookers said...

This is our very first WoW!



Sasha Switz said...

Just posted my 1st WoW! XD

Chloe Booklover said...

Left my link. I'm waiting on Hereafter by Tara Hudson :)


lulilut said...

When God Was a Rabbit (great title) sounds like a tear-jerker!
Happy reading!

P.E. said...

Whoa, what an interesting title. Though it makes an interesting visual image...

My pick is posted at

Stormi said...

Sounds like it could be a interesting book.

icametoread said...

This sounds good! I'll have to add it to my pile.

Jennifer said...

That sounds great. And I love the title. :)

Lucia (iLive, iLaugh, iLove Books) said...

This sounds like a good book! The title is amusing.

Here's mine:

iLive, iLaugh, iLove Books

Renee said...

Sounds interesting! Thanks for hosting this.

Bri Ahearn said...

Oh I like coming of ages that span several years. What an unusual title.

Lee said...

I enjoy reading novels also but every now and then a book comes out by a new author that deals with current events where he shares his opinions, rants and controversial recommendations from politics to sports/entertainment and everything in-between. A must read to get us to thinking. Jay Bennett

Lee said...

Hey; forgot to tell you the name of the author and book that I just commented on. The author's name is Leland M. Glen and his book is "Enough Already". It is available at and can by ordered through Barnes & Noble. Thanks