Wednesday, December 2, 2009

"Waiting On" Wednesday: Lies of the Heart

(I realized that my logo was in serious need of some updating. So, here's the new one!)

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted here, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

This week's pre-publication "can't-wait-to-read" selection is:

Lies of the Heart
By Michelle Boyajian
Publication Date: April 15

From Amazon:

Katie Burelli is living a wife's worst nightmare. Her husband, Nick, a speech therapist, has been killed, shot at point-blank range by Jerry, one of his mentally handicapped patients. Now, she sits in the courtroom, playing and replaying the events that led up to the murder.

As the trial progresses and Katie searches her own recollections for answers, she begins to confront the truth about her marriage and her own responsibility for its dissolution. In chapters alternating between the past and present, Lies of the Heart unravels the truth behind the mourning widow's grief.

What's your "waiting on" pick this week?

Want to participate? Grab the logo, post your own WoW entry on your blog, and leave a link in the comments section!


Book Butterfly (Kim) said...

Here is mine!

Thank you!

Jen at Introverted Reader said...

Here's mine: Muse and Reverie by Charles de Lint

Jen at Introverted Reader said...

I forgot--I love the new logo!

Anonymous said...

Hi! This is my first WoW...

Alex Barnaby the Graphic Novel

Tina's Blog said...

Another good one!
Here's my WOW pick:

Mel (He Followed Me Home) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mel (He Followed Me Home) said...

sorry bad link above :(

That sounds so sad!
Here's mine

INCiDeNT (Kayleigh) said...

Sounds like a good read-to-get!

Mine is here.

Mary (Bookfan) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mary (Bookfan) said...

Hmm, my link didn't work.

Your pick sounds good. I like the new button.

Here's my pick:

Anonymous said...

That sounds really good and dramatic!

Here's mine.

Karissa E said...

Here's mine.

Shelly B said...

Love the new logo! I'll be sure to grab it for next week's post. Here's mine for this week:

Tundra Books said...

Our WoW pick!

Pixie said...

I love the new WoW image. You can read my wow at  Page Turners

Sab H. said...

Beautiful cover!

Mine's here!

Melanie said...

I love the new logo too! Here's mine:

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

Sounds like a good one Jill. Here is my pick:

Nina said...

Here's mine:

A Bookshelf Monstrosity said...

Thanks for sharing this book with us! And I like the new WoW header :)

here's mine.

Lizzy said...

Sounds good!

Here's mine this week:

Unknown said...

OH that one looks awesome - and LOVE the new logo :)

Here's mine - we are waiting on Fablehaven!

PolishOutlander said...

Ooo! I like the new logo :)
Here is my pick for the week

Kristi said...

Lies of the Heart sounds good. This would be a new author for me.

Here is mine.

Kari Olson said...

Awesome pick!

Here's mine

joyh82 said...

I like the new graphic! Well here is mine, coming out soon..

Books and Life

Debbie's World of Books said...

Here is my pick for the week Debbie's World of Books

Jennifer said...

Another one to add to the list!!

Mine is here.

Mariana S said...

Interesting cover... and the plot looks really good.

Here is my WoW

Alayne said...

This sounds very good. Here's mine!

vvb32 reads said...

Love the new logo. And the pick this week sounds like a good one. Always good to reflect on relationships.

here's my WoW

bermudaonion said...

I love the new button and the book sounds good too!

Unknown said...

Here's mine

Love the new logo!

Nikki @ Bookizzle said...

Love the cover for Lies of the Heart!

My WoW!

nomadreader said...

My pick this week is If You Follow Me by Malena Watrous.

Kath said...

That sounds really interesting! Good pick! Below is mine (Darklight by Lesley Livingston)

Lauren said...

Here's mine!

Awesome logo by the way. :)

Renee (BlacknGoldGirlsBookSpot) said...

Great cover!

Here's mine!

xoxo~ Renee

Unknown said...

Haven't been able to participate for about a month, but I'm back and eager to join in again! Here's my post for this week.

Vildea said...

This is my first time doing WoW, but it looked fun!

These are the books I'm currently whimpering for:

Anonymous said...

Love your pick this week, I will be adding it to my buy list. Have a great week :)

Here's Mine

Sara M said...

Here's mine: Blood of the Demon by Diana Rowland

Robby said...

My WoW book this week is Nobody's Girl by Sarra Manning-

The new logo rocks my socks, btw! :D

Andrea said...

Here is my WoW

Kristi(e) said...

A bit late, but here's mine:

in which a girl reads said...

Here's mine:

Carrie at In the Hammock Blog said...

Wow, great pick this week!! Thanks for sharing!!

Here's mine!!

Christina said...

Here's mine:

Josh Lanyon's "Dark Tide"

Cait said...

Oh, this one sounds good! I love alternating time lines =)

Here's mine!

yuan said...

here's my link!

Unknown said...

I didn't use the logo this week but I did post for Waiting on Wednesday.

Taylor Bara said...

It is a hard to read and to feel book. I'd better read this