Wednesday, January 6, 2010

"Waiting On" Wednesday: Something Red

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted here, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

This week's pre-publication "can't-wait-to-read" selection is:

Something Red
By Jennifer Gilmore
Publication Date: March 30

From author's Web site:

In Washington D.C. and life inside the Goldstein home is as tumultuous as the shifting landscape of the times. It is 1979 and Benjamin is heading off to college and sixteen-year-old Vanessa is in the throes of a rocky adolescence. Sharon, a caterer for the Washington elite, ventures into a cult-like organization. And Dennis, whose government job takes him often to Moscow, tries to live up to his father’s legacy as a union organizer and community leader.

The rise of communism and the execution of the Rosenbergs is history. The Cold War is waning, the soldiers who fought in Vietnam have all come home, and Carter is president. The age of protest has come and gone and yet each one of the Goldsteins is forced to confront the changes the new decade will bring and explore what it really means to be a radical.

What's your "waiting on" pick this week?

Want to participate? Grab the logo, post your own WoW entry on your blog, and leave a link in the comments section!


Tina's Blog said...

Can't believe I'm the first to comment! That's what happens when I stay up all night with a sick kid.
Here's my pick:

Unknown said...

Here is mine:
I'm actually waiting on a book in the realism genre. Wonders will never cease. I love WoW.

Mary (Bookfan) said...

Your pick sounds good - such a changing time in our history.
My WOW pick is here.

bermudaonion said...

I got married in 1979, so this book sounds like it might tell the story of my life! LOL Great pick!

Anonymous said...

Your pick sounds really interesting.

My WoW this week is: The Long Song

A Bookshelf Monstrosity said...

I've not read anything by Gilmore, but I think it's about time I fix that.

Here's mine for the week:

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

Jill...This sounds like something I would enjoy. here is my WOW:

INCiDeNT (Kayleigh) said...

Not much into history during any world wars, but if it's to do with the architecture of ancient days than you got me. :)

Mine is here.

Karissa E said...

Sounds like an interesting read.
Here's mine!

Mel (He Followed Me Home) said...

How times have changes, that looks like a great read!

Here's mine:

Nina said...

Here's my WOW pick for this week:

Your pick sounds very nice and interesting to read! :) SO great pick.

Kristi said...

I was just hitting my teen years in the late 70's - might be kind of interesting to read about this period as an adult!

Here is my WoW.

Missy B. said...

That sounds good!

Here's mine:

Jess - A Book Hoarder said...

This looks like a dramatic and interesting book...and now it is on my list.

Here is mine

Shweta said...

This books looks like something I might be interested in reading . Here's mine

I am participating for the first time. It is really fun..

Tundra Books said...

Happy New Year! Click here for our WoW pick!

Unknown said...

OOh. That looks quite good!

My pick this week is one that I am really excited about - To Come and Go Like Magic by Katie Pickard Fawcett!

Shelly B said...

Here's my WoW for the week!

Pixie said...

I think I am going to have to add your pick to my TBR list. Sounds very interesting. You can read my WoW -here.

BookHounds said...

Here is my pick for the week:

Alayne said...

I sort of cheated, because my pick was released yesterday. I apologize! It's at The Crowded Leaf. I can't wait to read what everyone picks!

PolishOutlander said...

Oooooo this looks like a good one! I've always been fascinated with that time period of the rise and fall of communism.
Here is my pick

Anonymous said...

My WoW pick for the week:
Smile by Raina Telgemeier

Unknown said...

Here is mine - Deeply Desperately

Not sure about yours I am not such a huge history fan - but I live near DC and it's always fun reading about that! :)

joyh82 said...

Sounds very interesting! Hope you have a great week! <a href=" and Life</a>

Wicked Walker said...

That sounds good!

My WoW this week is The Education of Bet by Lauren Baratz-Logsted. Can't wait!

Anonymous said...

Sounds interesting!

Here's mine!

joyh82 said...

Let me try my link again...
Books and Life

Jennifer said...

I love all of your picks!!

Here's mine!

Carrie at In the Hammock Blog said...

Really interesting time period!! There aren't that many books exploring this era.

Here's mine!!

Sab H. said...

Mine's here! ;D

nomadreader said...

My pick this week is Heart of the Matter by Emily Giffin

Mari - Escape In A Book said...

Interesting pick :)

I've chosen a book called 13 To Life.

Lizzy said...

sounds interesting! here's mine this week:

The Book Explorer said...

Here's mine~

Ivy said...

Sounds interesting. Just added it in my wishlist. :)

It's my 1st time to join and here's my pick.

Valerie Kemp said...

That sounds really interesting!

Here's mine:

Jessica Lawlor said...

This is my first WoW! :)

Maria (Serpentine Library) said...

Your pick sounds really interesting!

This is my first "Waiting on Wednesday" post. . . hope that I have done this correctly.

Here's my pick:

Emily said...

Here's mine:

Sara said...

Here is WoW post:


Genevieve said...

Nice pick! I just noticed that the logo is new? Should we switch to the new one or is it okay to keep the old one? (you probably changed the logo months ago and I'm just noticing today)

Here's my pick for this week:

Wendy said...

That one sounds really cool! Here's mine

Jessica Love said...

Here's mine

Katy said...

Good post..


Unknown said...

Your pick sounds great!
Here's mine:

Svea Love said...

sounds interesting. My waiting was rewarded today by the release of Betrayal of the Blood Lilly by Lauren Willig. But I am sure I will be waiting for another book very soon lol.

Sayuri said...

First time participant.

Here is mine.

Anonymous said...

Like the sound of your pick.

Here is mine:

Thanks for looking.

Julie said...

Here's mine...