Wednesday, February 3, 2010

"Waiting On" Wednesday: Every Last One

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted here, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

This week's pre-publication "can't-wait-to-read" selection is:

Every Last One
By Anna Quindlen
Publication Date: April 27

From Amazon:

"Mary Beth Latham is first and foremost a mother, whose three teenaged children come first, before her career as a landscape gardener, or even her life as the wife of a doctor. Caring for her family and preserving their everyday life is paramount. And so, when one of her sons, Max, becomes depressed, Mary Beth becomes focused on him, and is blindsided by a shocking act of violence. What happens afterwards is a testament to the power of a woman’s love and determination, and to the invisible line of hope and healing that connects one human being with another. Every Last One is a novel about facing every last one of the the things we fear most, about finding ways to navigate a road we never intended to travel, to live a life we never dreamed we’d have to live but must be brave enough to try."

What's your "waiting on" pick this week?

Want to participate? Grab the logo, post your own WoW entry on your blog, and leave a link in the comments section!

PLUS: Check out my giveaway of The Murderer's Daughters, a previous WOW pick, in the post below!


Mary (Bookfan) said...

I didn't know she had a new book, thanks!
My WoW pick is here.

Tina's Blog said...

I will be adding this one to my growing list!
My WOW pick is a kids book today, which I am embarrassingly enough quite excited about,

Anonymous said...

mine this week

Anonymous said...

mine this week

bermudaonion said...

That sounds great and I just love the cover!

j said...

Here is my pick @
YA Addict

A Bookshelf Monstrosity said...

Yessss! Quindlen's got a new one. Thanks for the heads up :)
Here's my pick for the week.

Erica said...

Here's my link this week:

Kathy Martin said...

Cool book!

I'm waiting for this one.

Unknown said...

Sounds intresting.

I am waiting on The Haunted by Jessica Verday

Karissa E said...

Here is mine.

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

OMG, I love Anna Quindlen's books, and it's been ages since I've gotten my hands on one. I'm going over to pre-order it!

I'm pretty excited about the one I found, too, and it's here:

Christina T said...

This sounds like it will be a very moving book.

Here is my pick this week:

Shweta said...

What a lovely cover.Premise of the book is really good.

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...


Look at my pich:

Jen at Introverted Reader said...

I've somehow never read any of Anna Quindlen's fiction, even though I enjoy her articles and A Short Guide To A Happy Life. I really need to correct that oversight.

Here is mine.

Mel (He Followed Me Home) said...

Here's my wow pick this week:

nomadreader said...

I didn't know Quindlen had a new one coming out. Thanks! I don't have one this week, but my TBR stacks are already over flowing!

PolishOutlander said...

I've only ever read Anna Quindlen's essays, but not her books, even though I have been wanting to. Here is my pick

Anonymous said...

Never heard of this author before...sounds like another one to watch out for.

Here's my pick for this week:
The Weed that Strings the Hangman’s Bag

Lizzy said...

I'll have to check this book out! Here's mine this week:

BookHounds said...

And the wish list grows....

Here is mine:

Unknown said...

Ooh, I like your pick. It sounds like a journey of self-discovery. Also think the cover is really neat. Here is mine:

Erotic Horizon said...

Here mine for this week...

Love the cover on yours - hope you enjoy it..


Kari Olson said...

Another great pick! =D

Melissa (i swim for oceans) said...

I love Anna Quindlen! My choice today is here:

Book Butterfly (Kim) said...

Sounds fabulous!

Here is mine :)

Sab H. said...

Mine's here!

Alayne said...

Great pick! I've got one already published, and one coming out in March over at The Crowded Leaf.

joyh82 said...

I really enjoy her books. Here is mine for the week, have a great day!

Books and Life

Lori said...

Wow, you all start early.
Here's Mine

Lacey J Edwards said...

This one sounds like a tear-jerker.

I'm really excited for my pick this week.Ljboldyrev.blogspot

Shelly B said...

Sounds like a good one today. Mine is up!

Sandra said...

Sounds like a powerful story. My Wow post is up:

Debbie's World of Books said...

Here is my pick:

Emily said...

Here's mine:

Angela @ Reading Angels said...

Sounds good, here's mine

Angela @ Reading Angels said...

Oops, here's

Missy B. said...

I haven't heard of this one...I'm adding it to my wish list!

Here is my pick:

Carin Siegfried said...

The Quindlan sounds great. I'm going to be adding that to my list, too! Here's mine:

Maria (Serpentine Library) said...

I did't realize that she had a new book, hmm I will have to look into it. Here is my WoW:

Michelle Santiago said...

the cover is lovely on this one and it sounds very interesting. here's mine this week:

Bonnie said...

Anna Quindlen's new book sounds great. I wasn't fond of Rise & Shine and couldn't finish it but this sounds very good.

My WOW pick is HERE.

ninefly said...

here's mine:

Anonymous said...

My WoW pick is here here

Carrie at In the Hammock Blog said...

Great pick! I've actually never read anything by this author.

Here's my WoW!

Kath said...

This weeks WOW is "A Match Made in High School", plus an interview with the author Kristin Walker.

Nikki @ Bookizzle said...

My WoW:

Christina / Book Addict said...

She's a fabulous author! I didn't know she had a new one coming out. Thanks for sharing! Here's mine:

Barbara said...

first time WoWer! here's mine:

Aleksandra said...

Here's mine:

Sherry said...

My picks!

Enjoyed your WoW!

Katy said...

That sounds pretty cool, mine this week

Jackie said...

Every Last One sounds like an intense book!

My WoW is here

Rachel said...

Here's my WoW selection!

Manga Maniac said...

Here are
my picks for the week

Eli said...

Great choice! I had no idea she had a new book.

Here's my wow!

Alex Bennett from Electrifying Reviews said...

I chose Forbidden Game by LJ Smith.

Renee (BlacknGoldGirlsBookSpot) said...

I posted my WoW today! It's a book about a reformed bad boy ;-)

xoxo~ Renee

Sara M said...

Here's mine: Beautiful Dead: Jonas by Eden Maguire

Vicki said...

That sounds like a great read! Hope you don't mind me joining in's my choice this week.

Cassandra said...

I have not read any of her novels before, but this one looks really good. Thanks for sharing it.

My post is here.

Andrea said...

Here is my WoW

Nicole Settle said...

I've got a WOW today and thought I'd share:

Alyssa Kirk said...

Sounds like a powerful read!

Our WoW picks are here:

Anonymous said...

Sounds interesting!

Here's mine!

Julie said...

I've never read her work, but this book sounds intriguing for sure! Here is my WoW:

Kathleen said...

I hadn't heard of that one, sounds good.

I participated for the first time:

Jennifer said...

Great pick! Here's MINE.

Anonymous said...

I almost chose this as my "waiting" pick for this week! I went with McEwan's Solar:

Carina said...

That doesn't quite look like something I'd want to read, and yet it still has some crossover with my pick this week - they're both in some way about women's struggles. :-)

Unknown said...

A bit late this week, but here is my Waiting on Wednesday

Anonymous said...

My WOW is a pick that actually came out on Wednesday, so I hope it still counts :) It's a sci-fi novel by the great Connie Willis!

Thanks for hosting such a cool blog event.

You can find my post here:

Tina said...

This is my first time joining WoW! :) Here's my entry:

Anonymous said...

Here's my first WOW!!

satins booki said...


heres my wow of the week...