Wednesday, October 6, 2010

"Waiting On" Wednesday: The View From Here

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted here, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

This week's pre-publication "can't-wait-to-read" selection is:

The View From Here
By Deborah McKinlay
Publication Date: February 1

From Amazon:

When Frances was twenty-two, she was drifting, scraping by giving English lessons in Mexico, when she met up with a glamorous group of vacationing Americans staying in a mansion on a private beach. Two decades later in rural England, she discovers a love letter from a younger woman addressed to her husband almost at the same time as she learns that she’s facing a life-threatening illness. As her contented existence begins to unravel and she tries to decide how and if she will confront her husband about his infidelity, Frances finds herself haunted by the memory of her heady desert encounter with the charmed circle of the Severance family.
What's your "waiting on" pick this week?

Want to participate? Grab the logo, post your own WoW entry on your blog, and leave your link below!


Alison Can Read said...

Sounds like a very interesting plot. I'd love to read the parts in Mexico. Sounds like a fun way to scrape by during your early 20s. I love the cover, even though it looks like a lot of other covers.
Alison Can Read

Claire @ YA Bookie Monster said...
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Claire @ YA Bookie Monster said...

Your pick this week sounds really interesting! I really hope that you enjoy it when it's published in February :)

My WoW is in Mr. Linky and here:

June G said...

This sounds intriguing. I've been reading a lot of YA and sometimes I like to dig into a more adult book. I'll be adding this to my TBR list. Thanks. Looking forward to it.

Tina said...

What an interesting novel! Thanks for posting and hosting, Jill.

Belinda said...

I like the sound of the blurb and would definitely consider reading it. Hope you enjoy it when it's released :)

Here's my WOW for this week

Rachel said...

Hi, I've posted my first WoW, thanks for hosting it :)

The View from Here looks interesting, I'll be add it to my list :)

Ayanami Faerudo said...

Oooohhh.... a "journey"-type book. I hope you enjoy it when you finally have it!

Lacey Weatherford said...

Oh this sounds kind of heartbreaking but interesting at the same time! I love Mexico! I go as often as I can!! Great WoW!
The Delusional Diaries

Aleksandra said...

Great pick! Sounds really interesting!

Danny said...

Oh this one sounds like a really good read! Thanks for hosting this meme!

Magic Faerie said...

Sounds like an interesting book. I hope you will enjoy it in February :)

Here's my WoW Magic Faerie's Paranormal Review

Magic Faerie said...

Sorry! I've managed to put mine in twice! The FIRST link is my WoW.

Not sure how I managed that, sorry!!!

Mari - Escape In A Book said...

Sounds like a book that might have me in tears.

Jan von Harz said...

Sounds like a interesting plot, and the setting sound very cool. Great pick.

Sugar and Snark said...

Great WoW this week!

Tina's Blog said...

This one sounds great.

Anonymous said...

Interesting read! Cover is pretty!

Leanna Elle said...

Sounds like an interesting pick!

Sorry for messing up on the linky - My computer saved an old link and posted that one instead. Ooops!

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

This sounds great Jill.

Carrie at In the Hammock Blog said...

What a pretty cover on this one!! enjoy!

Book Sake said...

The View From Here looks great, it's one I'll be looking for.

TheBookGirl said...

Looks like a good one...hope you enjoy it :)

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Oh, that sounds like one I'd really like. I'm hoping that you're going to love it.

Thanks for sharing, Jill.

Tara said...

This one looks pretty good! I love books that take place in other countries. Also, life-threatening illness? Probably going to make me cry! I might have to check this one out :)

Tara | Hobbitsies

CHRISTIE said...

Your choice sounds like a mysterious and juicy read. Great pick!

Thanks for hosting :)

Shiori @ Panic in the Lingerie said...

Messed up on my link, whoops! Everyone seems to be anticipating some very interesting books :)

Pixie said...

Love the cover & it sounds like something I would enjoy. Adding it to my list.

bermudaonion said...

That looks like a good one!

Alayne said...

Lovely choice!

joyh82 said...

You always find the most interesting picks! Have fun reading.
Joy at Books and Life

Anonymous said...

Uh-oh, that sounds like a sobfest. Thanks for hosting!

Christy Townzen said...

Sounds really good. Stop by and see what I'm waiting on.

Tyhada's Bookshelf


Tyhada's Place

Lisa_sps said...

Sounds really interesting!
Here is my WoW

Library Lounge Lizard said...

Sounds like an emotional roller coaster! I actually have two books for my WoW this week!

Janelle said...

Ooh, you're pick sounds really great!!! I look forward to this one! :)

lulilut said...

I haven't hreard of this one - great blurb.
Here's mine:

Lori Johnston said...

I have not heard of this book but the plot sounds like it will be a good read. Will definitely be checking this one out.

Megan Mack said...

Doesn't sound like my kind of book but you never know 'til you try I suppose. It sounds like something my sister would like though. So I might recommend it to her. BTW...the link on here is one I saved from yesterday. The link for today is Xenophobic Bibliophile just for future reference :P

The Book Speaker said...

Looks like an interesting book. I really love the cover.

Carissa said...

This sounds really good! Thanks for sharing!

Kelly said...

Sounds great!