Wednesday, November 24, 2010

"Waiting On" Wednesday: The Other Life

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted here, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

This week's pre-publication "can't-wait-to-read" selection is:

The Other Life
By Ellen Meister
Publication Date: February 17

From Amazon:

What if you could return to the road not taken?

Happily married with a young son and another child on the way, Quinn Braverman has the perfect life. She also has an ominous secret. Every time she makes a major life decision, she knows an alternative reality exists in which she made the opposite choice--not only that, she knows how to cross over. But even in her darkest moments, like her mother's suicide, Quinn hasn't been tempted to visit...until she receives shattering news about the baby she's carrying.

Desperate to escape her grief, Quinn slips through the portal that leads to her other life: the life in which she stayed with her exciting but neurotic ex-boyfriend, and is childless. The life in which, as she is amazed to discover, her mother is still very much alive.

What's your "waiting on" pick this week?

Want to participate? Grab the logo, post your own WoW entry on your blog, and leave your link below!


  1. Wow! You're pick this week sounds super interesting! I hope that you really enjoy it in February!

    Claire :)

  2. Wow! This sounds really good. Excellent choice! Love this one. Thanks.

  3. This book sounds great! I'm going to have to add it to my list. :-)

  4. wow! this one looks like a real mind teaser!! great pick!

  5. Hi Jill! I haven't heard of your pick this week. I hope you enjoy it when you get it!! :)


  6. Your pick sounds awesome! I'm putting this on my TBR list. The Pat Conroy book you're reading now sounds interesting, too. Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. I've never heard of your pick before but it sounds rather interesting :)

  8. This sounds like a really good read. Hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving.

  9. OMG I'm number 20, I feel so acomplished that I'm not in the 100ths this time LOL :D

  10. Happy WoW day!! I've gotta say, I look forward to this soooo much every week, I've got my next WoW done by the Thursday before...then...along with waiting for my book...I wait for next Wednesday when I can post again!!

    Happy Reading,
    Natalie @

  11. This book sounds great!

    Thanks for sharing this with us.

    And thanks for this great meme, I love it!

  12. The plot sounds a bit like "Sliding Doors" :) Sounds good but also very sad. Thanks for sharing, Jill.

  13. ooh, nice pick this week! thanks for the linky! :)

  14. Looks good!! Thanks for sharing thisone!

  15. OK now this one sounds extremely intriguing and one I think I would really enjoy. Terrific pick!

  16. Your pick this week sounds really interesting! I'll have to stick it on my TBR list. Happy Thanksgiving! :D

  17. The Other Life sounds interesting, I'm going to have to put it on my list :)

    Rachel @ Fictional Fantasy xxx

  18. It sounds promising so I'll be watching for reviews. Hadn't heard of it before so thanks for spotlighting it. Happy Thanksgiving :-)

  19. Great pick! This will definitely go on my TBR list.

  20. Lovely pick! Might actually add it to my tbr!

  21. This sounds soo sad, like a great tragedy... what about the baby?

  22. Wow, that sounds intense. I'll have to pick this one up.
    Happy Wednesday!

  23. I love the sound of this one, and the cover is so pretty! Great pick! :)

  24. This is heading straight to my TBR list. I love alternative reality stories that explore the road not taken. Thank you Jill!

  25. That showed up at my door earlier this week and I can't wait to read it! Great pick!

  26. Very interesting premise on your pick. Hope you enjoy it!

  27. This one looks great--I have been waiting for it too :)

  28. I read one similar to this in YA (I think it was called A CRACK IN THE LINE), and it was fascinating. Hope this one's equally good!

  29. Oh no... the auto fill-in forms have done a number on me yet again. :/ Everyone please disregard '(the Sisters Red)' in my link-- that was an earlier link I posted to this site, I can only assume.

    I've never heard of your pick this week, but it sounds intriguing. I hope you enjoy it when it's released! :)

  30. This is terrible for my tbr list and my reserve file but I just can't seem to help myself. So adding yet another to the list.
    Happy Thanksgiving!
    Joy at Books and Life

  31. Oh, wow this one sounds really good!!! I'll look forward to its release in February.

  32. I'm waiting for this one too ~ Good pick!

  33. Great pick! I just heard this title yesterday, but didn't know yet what it was about. Sounds tempting!

  34. Jill, this sounds like a book I would really enjoy.

  35. Ooooh this alternative reality book sounds cool!

  36. Happy Wednesday everyone! I'm off to find some new things to read!!

  37. Oops, I meant to put my blog name on the linky instead of just my first name. This is my first "Waiting On" so I'm very excited to be taking part! Never heard of your pick before, sounds good!

  38. Happy Wednesday! Now to scope out everyone else's picks.

  39. @Breaking the Spine,

    Oh, my! How awesome does that sound? I wouldn't be able to hold in the immense anticipation either! Wow! Now, I want to read it. Oh, geez. *glances at growing to-read pile*

    Thanks for sharing this great pick and hosting this really amazing meme!


  40. Yes, tempting, isn't it? If you are able to pick your reality, will you be able to leave this one behind?

    Great pick!

  41. Whoa. I'm intrigued by this.

  42. Looks like a good read... I'll have to check it out!
