Wednesday, March 7, 2012

"Waiting On" Wednesday: When In Doubt, Add Butter

 "Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted here, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

This week's pre-publication "can't-wait-to-read" selection is:

When In Doubt, Add Butter
By Beth Harbison
Publication Date: July 17

From Amazon:

Gemma Craig has spent her career as a private chef taking care of other people. From Lex, the fussy department store owner straight out of a movie from the thirties; to grossly overweight Willa, who must radically change her eating habits or die; to the strange Oleksei family, with a constant parade of mysterious people coming and going; to the hideously demanding Angela who is “allergic to everything” and foists her tastes on her hapless family; to the man Gemma thinks of only as “Mr. Tuesday” because they’ve never met. Everyone relies on Gemma, even while she goes home alone each night and feasts on cereal and quick meals. But when life takes an unexpected turn on a road Gemma always thought was straight and narrow, she must face her past and learn to move on in ways she never imagined.

What's your "waiting on" pick this week?

Want to participate? Grab the logo, post your own WoW entry on your blog, and leave your link below!


Unknown said...

That cover makes me hungry! Yummy cupcakes!

Unknown said...

Love the title... a nd the book sounds good too!

Anonymous said...

Linked, though I forgot to add my blog name lmao :P

Anonymous said...

Great choice and now I am craving a cupcake or ten :P

Literary Cravings said...

I love the cover and the synopsis sounds filled with great drama. Thanks for hosting!!

Unknown said...

Hey, this sounds like a good book :)
Thanks for the reveal!!

Here is my WOW

Kimberly said...

My preferred genres of reading are romance, urban fantasy, and mysteries, but this book actually sounds really interesting to me. Thanks for sharing :)

Laura said...

That sounds really good!

I linked up. Love this meme!

Little Miss Becky said...

OH my gosh! Great cover, great title---I want to eat this book up! :D

Kimberly @ Turning the Pages said...

Linked mine :) I chose Survive by Alex Morel!
-Kimberly @

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Oh, I love foodie novels! Thanks for sharing.

Devan @ Book Strings said...

Mmmm cupcakes. Sounds like an interesting read

Judy said...

My first WoW... lots a fun....

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

I love the sound of this Jill, and such a yummy cover.

Shonda said...

The cover is so cute! Perfect book to read outside on a lazy summer afternoon.

Mel@Thedailyprophecy said...

This sounds like a book my sister would love, with those cupcakes on the cover.

My choice:

Lovey Dovey Books said...

I love the tittle for this pick. I think it'll be my new life's motto!


TG said...

Ha! I love the sound of the book based on the title alone. That's certainly my philosophy when cooking. Books about food make me drool.

Emma M said...

This looks sweet. No pun intended.

Mary @ BookSwarm said...

That title is hilarious. Because everything's better with butter, right (until it isn't--Just ask Paula Dean!).

Amy said...

That book sounds good. The cover looks good too. Yum, cupcakes!!

JC Jones said...

The title reminds me of Paula Dean.

juliababyjen said...

Posted my link! Looks like a good book!

Alishia said...

Love the cover.

Maria said...

This sounds like a really good book and the cover is yummy!

Kristin A. said...

Not my usually read but it does sound interesting.

Me My Shelf And I said...

Thanks for always hosting this!!!

Cecelia said...

Love the title of this one - and the cute cover art doesn't hurt, either!

Lisa@GadgetsNBooks said...

The title is so true...butter is the best. ;-)

Mandi Kaye @ Never Too Fond of Books said...

That book sounds fabulous!

Laura BurgandyIce said...

Interesting book! Pretty cover, for sure, the premise looks like it hides seriousness - trials and lessons to learn! Great pick. -Burgandy Ice

joyh82 said...

This looks really cute! Happy Reading!

Britt said...

This one's definitely going on my to-read list. Thanks!

Carrie at In the Hammock Blog said...

what a pretty cover!!

Lark Andrea said...

I have this on my TBR list too!

Julie said...

Cute title and great sounding book!

bermudaonion said...

Oh yummy! I want that book too!

Carly said...

Great choice, sounds interesting. Thanks for sharing :)


Carly :)

My Reading Addiction said...

Sounds Great!

In desperate need of followers:

Any help is greatly appreciated.


Abbi Hart said...

My first time doing WoW! This is fun!

Lauren said...

The book you chose sounds really good! And like everyone else has said, I love the cover & title.

Kimberley@sunnykimmylovinglife said...

Ooh, this looks interesting. The blurb doesn't reveal much but it still manages to make you want to read it. And a yummy looking cover is always a winner.I like. I added it to my TBR pile :)

TheBookGirl said...

I love food-related fiction, and this one sounds great! Adding it to my list :)

Sara Kovach / Dare to be Different - Teach! said...

That title and cover remind me of Paula Dean from Food Network!

Thanks for sharing this one.

My WoW:

SJune said...

You can never go wrong with a book that has cupcakes on the cover

Unknown said...

Love the books you have chosen :)

I linked as well! Happy reading!

@MelissaJoLynn_ said...

I love this idea! I have so many books I'm counting down the days till they're out. It's exciting to see how many people are participating in this as well!

Kathryne (Paperback Fantasies) said...

Love Waiting on Wednesday! I have too many books that I'm anticipating!