Wednesday, June 13, 2012

"Waiting On" Wednesday: The Secret Keeper

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted here, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

This week's pre-publication "can't-wait-to-read" selection is:

The Secret Keeper
By Kate Morton
Publication Date: October 16

From Amazon:

During a party at the family farm in the English countryside, 16-year-old Laurel Nicolson has escaped to her childhood tree house and is dreaming of the future. She spies a stranger coming up the road and sees her mother speak to him. Before the afternoon is over, Laurel will witness a shocking crime that challenges everything she knows about her family and especially her mother, Dorothy.

Now, 50 years later, Laurel is a successful and well-regarded actress, living in London. She returns to the family farm for Dorothy’s 90th birthday and finds herself overwhelmed by questions she has not thought about for decades. From pre-WWII England through the Blitz, to the 50s and beyond, discover the secret history of three strangers from vastly different worlds—Dorothy, Vivien, and Jimmy—who meet by chance in wartime London and whose lives are forever entwined.

What's your "waiting on" pick this week?

Want to participate? Grab the logo, post your own WoW entry on your blog, and leave your link below!


Kelsey @ Slush Sleuth said...

Oh, I love this! I was sold as soon as it said English countryside, but I love the idea that it spans multiple decades. And what a pretty cover.

Thanks for turning me onto it, and Happy Wednesday!

Anonymous said...

You have managed to find yet another promising read. This is my first look at The Secret Keeper and I am now looking forward to it as well.

Unknown said...

OK I normally stick with supernatural books, but wow I loved the blurb so much that I going to try and get a copy to read as well. Thanks for adding another book to my reading pile :)Here’s My Waiting On Wednesday Post

MizMaliciouz said...

Great choice sounds interesting another for my tbr list!!!

Sheena-kay Graham said...

I think this is one of your best WOWs yet. The mystery of the crime witnessed and all these lives intersecting is just too much to ignore.

Take a peek at My Wow when you can.

Unknown said...

Great pick this week, nothing new there though! ;)
Here's My WOW!
Happy Wednesday!

A Belle’s Tales said...

What a great pick! And that cover?!?! I want to climb inside of it!
Thanks for sharing!
My WoW

Jackie M. said...

I haven't heard of this one til now. The write-up is very mysterious. This isn't the type of book I'd normally gravitate towards but I'll definitely be adding it to my TBR list :)

Neyra said...

Sounds like a good read! :D Should be interesting enough to pick up when it releases :)

Rachael-Madison ^__^ said...

You had me at "English countryside"...

My WoW

Hollie said...

This one sounds like such a great read! Thanks so much for sharing!

Becky said...

Secrets and Mystery. Sounds like an interesting read. Thanks for sharing! :)

My WoW

KelleyB said...

I absolutely love books that span over decades. Sounds like a great read. Thanks for sharing!

TG said...

I love books set in this time period! Looks good.

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Ooh, I'm definitely adding this one!

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

I wasn't aware of this one; thanks Jill. Her books are ones I enjoy and they have the nicest covers.

bermudaonion said...

I was really excited when I read about this book!

dope said...

This is my first WoW entry.Please do check it out!

Amy said...

This one sounds pretty good. Not my typical read, but I may have to check it out.

Tiffany Drew said...

I just picked up my first Kate Morton book a few weeks ago and I'm hoping to read it soon. I've since seen a few more of her books that look pretty great so I really hope I enjoy the one I have. Great choice :)

Jessie Marie said...

Although I haven't read anything by Kate Morton (yet), I really like the sound of this one! Great pick, Jill!

My WoW

Anonymous said...

This is my first time doing this meme! Siked!

Cherie Reich said...

This sounds like a great pick, and the cover is so pretty.

Maria said...

Great pick! I love the cover too

joyh82 said...

I love love love Kate Morton..thanks for the heads up!

Megan said...

I typically don't read books like this one, but, it actually looks really good!

Ann @ Tea And Text said...

Ahh this sounds like it's going to be a seriously tense mystery! Awesome pick!

Beckie said...

My post is published finally lol, oops!!! I forgot to schedule this one so it was just saved lol.

Cannot wait to read through everyone's but posts but won't be today unfortunately as sooo busy :(

Happy reading and Happy Wednesday!!!!!!

Merrie Destefano said...

My favorite part of your post:

"Before the afternoon is over, Laurel will witness a shocking crime that challenges everything she knows about her family and especially her mother, Dorothy."

The Secret Keeper sounds like an amazing book!


Merrie Destefano

BookFanatic said...

My WoW post is here: And I will most definitely be adding this book to my 'to-read' shelf.

Krista said...

I am excited to start this weekly meme. Looking forward to seeing what everyone else is waiting on!

Anonymous said...

This book sounds really good, will be adding this to my TBR list, thanks for sharing. I've just signed up to the WoW meme, I'm a new book blogger at Launch giveaway happening this month, come by and enter x

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Sorry I deleted my last post because i forgot to add my link to me WoW here it is Thank for letting me join

Michelles Paranormal Vault Of Books said...

I put my waiting on wed. link in linky, I didn't see that this morning, lol. Thanks.

The Teen Book Guru said...

Great choice!! :)

Rachael-Madison ^__^ said...

The release date is on my birthday :o Good choice!

Here's my answer: