Wednesday, October 3, 2012

"Waiting On" Wednesday: Lake People

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted here, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

This week's pre-publication "can't-wait-to-read" selection is:

Lake People
By Abi Maxwell
Publication Date: February 19

From Amazon:

As an infant, Alice Thornton was discovered in Kettleborough, New Hampshire, in a boathouse by the lake; adopted by a young, childless couple; raised with no knowledge of the women who came before her. Alice grows up aching for an acceptance she can't quite imagine, trying to find it first with an older man, then with one who can't love her back, and finally in the love she feels for one she has never met. And all the while, she feels a mysterious pull to the lake. As Alice edges ever closer to her past, Lake People beautifully evokes the interweaving of family history and individual fate, and the intangible connections we feel to the places where we were born.

What's your "waiting on" pick this week?

Want to participate? Grab the logo, post your own WoW entry on your blog, and leave your link below!  



Anonymous said...

Ooooh. This looks like a fun read!

Giselle @ Book Nerd Canada said...

This looks like a great read. I'm so glad you showcase books that I haven't even heard of before.

Giselle from Book Nerd Canada
Waiting on Wednesday #41

Bec @ Readers in Wonderland said...

This book sounds intriguing. I kind of want to read it... XD Thanks for letting me know about it :)

A Belle’s Tales said...

This sounds like a great one! Thanks for sharing!

biochemguy said...

This is very interesting. I don't really have a connection to the place where I was born but I can see how many would. :)

Unknown said...

Sounds interesting, thanks for sharing! :)

MizMaliciouz said...

Sounds interesting need to pick it up when it becomes available.

Michael @ The Bookshelf Review said...

Awesome choice. Really sounds interesting and a sort of finding out your roots type of book. I will have to check it out. Thanks for sharing. Here is My WoW

Shauna said...

Oh, that sounds really interesting! Great pick! :)

Here's my WoW

Anonymous said...

That sounds so beautiful!
What a great choice :-)


Unknown said...

Wow! great pick! I really want to find out what this one is really about! Sounds mysterious!
My WoW

Kristin A. said...

Oh this one sounds interesting. Wonder why she's drawn to the water.

moonlessbites said...

Thanks for sharing! I can't wait for The Evolution of Mara Dyer

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

Ohhh this sounds like a good one Jill.

bermudaonion said...

Sounds wonderful!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing!
Here's my WOW

Unknown said...

Sounds intriguing! Here's my WOW.

Unknown said...

They are some great books hear my WOW http//

Jessabella Reads said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Ooh, this looks good! :) Might have to add it to my TBR future list. (: Thanks for sharing. <3

Jessabella Reads said...

This looks like a good one...I will have to check it out. Thanks for sharing!
Here is "my WoW

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

This one sounds find such awesome books!

Wendy Lohr said...

Wow, this sounds like a very intriguing read. Thanks for sharing!

Wendy @ Escape Into Fiction

Amy said...

This sounds like an emotional read. I like the sounds of it. Great pick!

Kierra said...

Awesome book! Added to my TBR pile!

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing!

Reeka said...

Ouuu, this sounds amazing! What a great blurb, now I seriously want to know what happens-sounds almost mystical. Thank you for sharing! =)

Check out my WoW here

Sarah said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Fiction Fairy said...

Looks like a great read, I haven't hear of it but it sounds interesting!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
newshadeofgreen said...

Lake People sounds beautiful and heart-breaking. Thanks for putting it on my radar. Here's my WoW post! ~ Jen @ A Book and a Latte

Unknown said...

Great pick - haven't heard of it, but it sounds really interesting.

Here's my WoW (I accidentally linked to a different post, sorry).

Rose said...

Great pick! :) Haven't heard of this one but it looks really good!

My WoW

Ann @ Tea And Text said...

Oooh this sounds super interesting! Thanks for sharing!

Beckie said...

This book looks AMAZING! wow how have i missed this! Thanks for sharing, i will add this to my TBR list.

My WoW

Unknown said...

Oh whoops I now appear to be in twice because my URL was wrong the first time . . . how do i delete me???LOL!!!! Thank you for letting me share though xxx

Henrietta @ Leisure Reads said...

Sounds strangely enchanting. I'm excited that you're "waiting on" it :)

If you'd like, you could check out my WoW here. Have a fantastic Wednesday!

Cherie Reich said...

Lake People sounds like such a touching story. I haven't heard of this one before.

Here's my WOW.

Holly said...

Today was my first Waiting on Wednesday! I'm excited to join this feature as I'm a newbie to the book blogging world.

Christina said...

Something went wrong the first time and I had to put mine on twice. I feel stupid. :(

Stephanie Scott said...

This sounds like a great book. Definitely adding to my TBR pile. And this is my first WoW! :)

Here is my WoW.

Anonymous said...

This sounds like an awesome book. And that cover is beautiful! Thanks for sharing.

Rola said...

Sounds like a great read! Here's mine :)

Sarah said...

Hmmm...sounds like a really thought-provoking book.
Here's my first "Waiting on" Wednesday post
My WoW

joyh82 said...

Sounds like my kind of read, hope you enjoy it when you get it!

Susan said...

Sounds great. What a lot of books to check out!

Sophia (The Bookworm) said...

This book sounds really ineresting! I hope you get it, read it and enjoy it soon!

Shane @ItchingforBooks said...

Another newbie to me..thanks for sharing it sounds interesting.

Unknown said...

Looks good! I always discover a new book with these, it's great!

Michelles Paranormal Vault Of Books said...

good pick. I added to the linky, late, as I was offline most of yesterday. :)

WoW Post

Martina Boone said...

I wish I could participate in this, but we have our regular WOW feature on Weds. Am going to have to swing by here regularly to catch up with you all though. What a great blog event!

And in case anyone wants a quick cheatsheet of upcoming books, we do the weekly New YA Books in Stores Next Week feature on Fridays, along with author interviews and giveaways. Hope you'll stop by to enter. :) (We have eight new releases to giveaway this week!)



France, Paris anything to do with that I want to read it. For that day when I find myself living there full time. One day....
