Wednesday, June 26, 2013

"Waiting On" Wednesday: Lookaway, Lookaway

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted here, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

This week's pre-publication "can't-wait-to-read" selection is:

Lookaway, Lookaway
By Wilton Barnhardt

Publication Date: August 20

From Amazon:

Jerene Jarvis Johnston and her husband Duke are exemplars of Charlotte, North Carolina’s high society, where old Southern money—and older Southern secrets—meet the new wealth of bankers, boom-era speculators, and carpetbagging social climbers. Steely and implacable, Jerene presides over her family’s legacy of paintings at the Mint Museum; Duke, the one-time college golden boy and descendant of a Confederate general, whose promising political career was mysteriously short-circuited, has settled into a comfortable semi-senescence as a Civil War re-enactor.  Jerene’s brother Gaston is an infamously dissolute bestselling historical novelist who has never managed to begin his long-dreamed-of literary masterpiece, while their sister Dillard is a prisoner of unfortunate life decisions that have made her a near-recluse.

As the four Johnston children wander perpetually toward scandal and mishap. Annie, the smart but matrimonially reckless real estate maven; Bo, a minister at war with his congregation; Joshua, prone to a series of gay misadventures, and Jerilyn, damaged but dutiful to her expected role as debutante and eventual society bride. Jerene must prove tireless in preserving the family's legacy, Duke’s fragile honor, and what's left of the dwindling family fortune. She will stop at nothing to keep what she has—but is it too much to ask for one ounce of cooperation from her heedless family?

In Lookaway, Lookaway, Wilton Barnhardt has written a headlong, hilarious narrative of a family coming apart, a society changing beyond recognition, and an unforgettable woman striving to pull it all together.

What's your "waiting on" pick this week?

Want to participate? Grab the logo, post your own 
WoW entry on your blog, and leave your link below!


Emily Anne said...

Cool pick :) Sounds fun!

Anonymous said...

Sounds entertaining. Thank you for the introduction and for hosting.

Liss said...

This looks like a great read. Thanks for hosting =)

Anonymous said...

Big fan of historical fiction, particularly this setting! Great pick

Smart Person said...

I'm not really into that kind of stuff when I read, but I'm sure it'll be awesome!

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Sounds wonderful!

Obsession with Books said...

This sounds like a great read! :-)

alexanddrea said...

Awesome pick!

Lex Explains It All // The World According to Lex

Book Blather said...

Oh I like the sound of this one! "A family coming apart" combined with "hilarious" rocks my boat quite nicely, thank you! :-)

Unknown said...

Wow! I may need to read this one!

Literary Assassins

Sheena-kay Graham said...

Nice choice today.

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

Hmmm...sounds like this could be a fun ride. Great pick.

Catherine @ Book Club Librarian said...

Sounds like a really entertaining read! Here's my WoW:

Shane @ItchingforBooks said...

Awesome pick this week. Happy Wednesday :)


Micheline said...

Nice pick! This sounds especially entertaining what with the family drama AND the funny bits mixed in :) Thanks for sharing & for hosting again!

Here's my WoW pick this week

Micheline @ Lunar Rainbows

Curling Up With a Good Book said...

Thanks for hosting!!!

bermudaonion said...

Oooh, it's set in Charlotte!

Literary Meanderings said...

Thank you for hosting! :)

Natalie @Natflix&Books said...

This sounds interesting. I love books that focus on siblings. Great pick!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for hosting! I left my name and link! :)

Meredith said...

Ooh, this looks like a good one! Great pick!


Kristen said...

I have this one teed up to post closer to the release date. Now I wonder if I should post something different? Hmmmm.... Oh, and obviously a book that sounds great to me too. ;-)

Greg said...

Ooh sounds like a good one. Thanks for sharing!

Ben ( He is most likely reading ) said...

Sounds Great!

Veronica said...

Oooo this sounds like an exciting book! I've been reading a few southern themed books lately. I hope you'll review this if you read it. :]

Unknown said...

My very first Waiting on Wednesday!

Anonymous said...

I have been stalking this one

great choice

Stasia said...

Serious Mad Men vibe coming off this cover! Loving WoW, as always!

Unknown said...

Haven't heard of this one but I wiil have to check it out!

Unknown said...

Thanks for hosting! I love reading about all of the books everyone is waiting for.


Silvia A said...

Already make my WOW!

Silvia @ Bookzland

Megan said...

This actually sounds like something I'd pick up! Great pick! :)

Emily said...

Love it! Thanks for hosting!

Emily @ Oh Magic Hour said...

Thanks for sharing and for hosting!

Gypsi said...

Barnhardt teaches at one of the Universities in my old town; should be interesting. :)

Jane Reads said...

I might just have to take a look at Lookaway, Lookaway. The blurb is intriguing.

Here's my WoW at Jane Reads

Kritika said...

This book sounds pretty cool! I really like historical fiction, so I'll keep an eye out for this one.

Here's my post at Snowflakes and Spider Silk

Meredith @ Pandora*s Books said...

Hi there! Newbie blogger here. I apologize, I didn't realize someone actually hosted WoW - I thought it was just a general blog thing. I did participate, though, and I really enjoyed it! Thanks for hosting such an awesome weekly event, and again, sorry for not realizing sooner!

I'm sorry this is coming a few days late, but here's the link to my post:

Unknown said...

Interesting choice. Thanks for sharing.