Wednesday, January 15, 2014

"Waiting On" Wednesday: Cutting Teeth

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted here, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

This week's pre-publication "can't-wait-to-read" selection is:

Cutting Teeth

By Julia Fierro
Publication Date: May 13

From Amazon:

One late-summer weekend, a group of 30-something couples and their children gather at a shabby beach house called “Eden,” but their trip is a far cry from paradise. As the weekend unfolds and conflicts intensify, painful truths surface. Friendships crack. Identities are challenged as the characters begin to doubt the choices they’ve made, comparing the lofty expectations they had for what they’d once imagined as the “prime of their life,” with its day-to-day reality. Their resentment toward each other grows against the chaotic backdrop of young children’s relentless demands, culminating in a climactic scene in which the ultimate rule of the group is broken. Two days together in Eden will change the group forever.

What's your "waiting on" pick this week?

Want to participate? Grab the logo, post your own WoW entry on your blog, and leave your link below!


  1. This one sounds interesting! :)

  2. Super intrigued by this book! It sounds like a creepy, psychological thriller!

  3. You guys are so awesome for always hosting this!

  4. Love this meme! I'm #65 on the list.

  5. This sounds like it's going to break my heart. I get sad reading about the breakdown of friendships. An earlier comment says it sounds like a psychological thriller so now I'm not sure how I feel. Lol. But thanks for sharing and for hosting this awesome meme.

    My WoW :)

  6. This sounds interesting even if maybe not something I'd read. Creepy cover with the raggedy anne & andy dolls.

  7. This one sounds great- and creepy. I love the cover.

  8. Thanks, sounds good

  9. This looks good Jill - great pick. (Just realized my pick was the same one you picked last week) LOL

  10. Thanks for hosting this great feature! This is my first week joining and I look forward to seeing what books everyone picks each week!

    Kristalyn @ The Sarcastic Palmtree

  11. Wow, sounds like an intense book. Hope you get to pick it up. :)

  12. I haven't heard of this one, but that's no surprise, is it? LOL

  13. This one sounds kind of like a physchological thriller! Thanks for sharing!

  14. I can't wait for this book too! Sounds so nice! :)

    -Kimi of Geeky Chiquitas

  15. Sounds captivating...I am a sucker for this kind of read.

  16. Cool pick! I love the cover. It's definitely intriguing. Adding to the to-read list.

  17. I love those Raggedy Anne dolls. I wouldn't be able to handle this type of story though. Too depressing.

  18. Raggedy Ann dolls now creep me out after knowing that the doll the true story of The Conjuring was based on was a Raggedy Ann doll.

  19. Cutting Teeth is new to me. Thank you for sharing. And thank you for giving us a place to share what we are looking forward to. :)

  20. Sounds like an alternate title could be "Things fall apart." Hope it's happier than that though. Thanks for hosting this meme.

  21. That's a cute cover. Story sounds interesting too.

    Thanks for sharing!

    My WoW

  22. Whew! Sounds like a whole lot of drama with this one!

  23. Cutting Teeth sounds like a book I'd love! Thanks for the heads-up, Jill. I'll put it on my list.

  24. I might have to try this-but I'm talking about a weekend like this with friends and kids. Might be too scary!

  25. Ahh, I am the last one? No, I don´t think so (hopefully) =D

    Interesting book u choose =)

  26. I love the dolls on the cover... this book sounds intense; I don't know why but the blurb reminded me of that movie with Vince Vaughn (I think it's called Couples Retreat) which makes me laugh. Happy Wednesday!!

  27. Adding this to my list. It's right up my alley and looking for new authors to try this year.
    Joy at Books and Life

  28. First, the cover tugs at me a bit--we had those stuffed toys when I was a kid. Also, the book sounds intriguing. Thanks for the heads up!

  29. Another book to add onto my to-read shelf on goodreads...

  30. Awww that looks like such an interesting book...yet another possible for my list of to read..the never ending list woot!

    Rinny & Kimmy

  31. Thanks so much for this, this is my first time and I hope I did it right! I look forward to seeing what others are waiting for :)

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