Wednesday, January 21, 2015

"Waiting On" Wednesday: The Daylight Marriage

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted here, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

This week's pre-publication "can't-wait-to-read" selection is:

The Daylight Marriage

By Heidi Pitlor
Publication Date: May 5

From Amazon:

Hannah was the kind of woman who turned heads. Tall and graceful, naturally pretty, often impulsive, always spirited, the upper-class girl who picked, of all men, Lovell--the introverted climate scientist, the practical one who thought he could change the world if he could just get everyone to listen to reason. After a magical honeymoon they settled in the suburbs to raise their two children. 

But over the years, Lovell and Hannah’s conversations have become charged with resentments and unspoken desires. She’s become withdrawn and directionless. His work affords him a convenient distraction. The children can sense the tension, which they’ve learned to mostly ignore. Until, after one explosive argument, Hannah vanishes. And Lovell, for the first time, is forced to examine the trajectory of his marriage through the lens of memory--and the eyes of his children. As he tries to piece together what happened to his wife--and to their lives together--readers follow Hannah through that single day when the smallest of decisions takes her to places she never intended to go. 

What's your "waiting on" pick this week?

Want to participate? Grab the logo, post your own WoW entry on your blog, and leave your link below!


czai said...

I saw this on Netgalley and I've been thinking about requesting it.. it sounds really interesting. Hope you'll enjoy it when you get to read it :)

czai @ the Blacksheep Project

Lori Wilt said...

I've not heard of this one yet, but it sounds great. I must remember to check it out.

Britt said...

Ohh your picks looks pretty good here is mine

Page said...

Mmmm... Interesting premise.

Yvonne said...

Sounds like a good one.

Sarah's Book Shelves said...

Another psychological thriller about marriage - I tend to be drawn to those!

Kim@Time2Read said...

This one sounds good! Want to read!

Harvee44 said...

I have enjoyed other books like this one about disappearing wives. Would love to know that this one did!

Book Dilettante

Raven Lynch said...

This book sounds good, kind of Gone Girl-ish but not really! I'll have to put it on my tbr!

Anonymous said...

Wow. This looks like the kind of book that would be hard to read but worth it. I think I will be adding it to my TBR list for 2015 to be sure!!

Kay said...

THE DAYLIGHT MARRIAGE sounds good. Like the cover.

Marsha said...

This is my first Waiting on Wednesday and that list of everyone's link is going to fill up my afternoon quite happily visiting folks. :)

The Daylight Marriage sounds really interesting. I just added another book to my look for it pile.

Leeanna said...

I'm curious as to why she disappeared. Hope you enjoy if you read it.

Laura said...

Sounds interesting. A slightly different take on a theme. Hope you enjoy it!

Ali @ Ali's Books said...

Sounds like an interesting mystery. Hope you like it!

Lisa Mandina said...

Love the cover on this one!

Unknown said...

Oooh, this sounds so good!!!! I kind of want to get it now! But alas, I shall wait until May! Great post!

Unknown said...

This sounds really good. I saw this on Netgalley & if I didn't have a lot of ARCs already I would definitely read this. I hope you enjoy it!

Unknown said...

Vanishes? I'm intrigued! Sounds like a good one! (:

My WoW

Anonymous said...

Hi Jill,

I really like your "Waiting on" Wednesday and I want to join :)
Here's my post:

Nadine @

Greetings from Germany


JO said...

People living with long Covid after being admitted to hospital are more likely to show some damage to major organs, according to a new study.

JO said...

Ireland's World Cup dream was ended by New Zealand for the second tournament in a row as the All Blacks deservedly beat their rivals in Paris to set up a semi-final against Argentina. รับ สร้าง บ้าน เชียงใหม่