Wednesday, July 20, 2016

"Waiting On" Wednesday: Today Will Be Different

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted here, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

This week's pre-publication "can't-wait-to-read" selection is:

Today Will Be Different

By Maria Semple

Publication Date: October 4

From Amazon:

Eleanor knows she's a mess. But today, she will tackle the little things. She will shower and get dressed. She will have her poetry and yoga lessons after dropping off her son, Timby. She won't swear. She will initiate sex with her husband, Joe. But before she can put her modest plan into action, life happens. Today, it turns out, is the day Timby has decided to fake sick to weasel his way into his mother's company. It's also the day Joe has chosen to tell his office, but not Eleanor, that he's on vacation. Just when it seems like things can't go more awry, an encounter with a former colleague produces a graphic memoir whose dramatic tale threatens to reveal a buried family secret. 

What's your "waiting on" pick this week?

Want to participate? Grab the logo, post your own WoW entry on your blog, and leave your link below!


  1. Sounds interesting. I'll add it to my TBR.

  2. Sounds like a definite must read. I haven’t read anything by this author. I'll have to check it out.

  3. I love Maria Semple, so this is one I'm definitely waiting for as well :)

  4. This sounds good!! I haven't read anything by this author, but I know Where'd You Go Bernadett? has been popular.

  5. Sounds different and interesting. Hope you enjoy it when you read it. After that synopsis, I might have to read it too. :)

  6. Now that sounds interesting and how a lot of my days seem to go. Well without the dramatic secret at least. LOL. I am adding that to my must-read list. You always find the best books.

    Here's my WOW.

  7. Hmm, wondering what the secret is, and why is her husband taking a vacation?

  8. Sounds like an interesting read. I may have to check it out. :)

    Here's a link to my WoW post:

  9. Maria Semple is always on my want list ;-)

  10. Certainly does sound like Today Will Be Different! Hope you enjoy.

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  12. This is a book I needed, filled with humor both loud and soft, filled with a very flawed woman who struggles through a very traumatic day with the sudden realizations that change her and perhaps lead her on a new path. I loved Where'd You Go Burnadette and I love this one too.

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    نصائح منزلية هامة من احسن شركة تنظيف بالمدينة المنورة :
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    تطهير الحمام وتنظيفه باستمرار ، وتكثر مطهرات الحمامات والمرحاض وباسعار مناسبة للجميع .
    يفضل غسيل السجاد والموكيت كل 3 او 6 شهور كحد اقصي لتخليصة من الاتربة والبقع .
    لتلميع الارضيات قومى باضافة كوب من الخل الى ماء المسح .
    لتلميع الاثاث الخشبي امسحيه بقماشة قطنية مدهونة بزيت الزيتون .
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  15. سواتر قماش تمتاز عن باقي أنواع السواتر بالتكلفة البسيطة المناسبة ولكن لا ننصحك بها عزيزي العميل إذا كنت ستسخدمها على المدي البعيد.تتوفر سواتر الأقمشة بالعديد من التغطيات المختلفة منها سواتر بي في سي بصناعة كورية لا تمتص مياه الامطار بالإضافة إلي منع الحرارة و سواتر قماش بي في سي أسترالي تمتاز بمقاومة الحرائق و تحمل الرياح القوية و الثبات بشكل جيد إضافة إلي إمكانية الفك واعادة التركيب عند حاجتك إلي ذلك.


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