Thursday, January 8, 2009

Booking Through Thursday: The Best?

This week's Booking Through Thursday question:
It’s a week or two later than you’d expect, and it may be almost a trite question, but … what were your favorite books from 2008?

I thought this would be tough to narrow down, but my list came quite naturally. Here were my five favorites:

What were your top five?


  1. I agree about Tomato Girl, Iv'e just posted my review of it this week. The other three fiction you mention look good too. I will investigate. My Booking Through Thursday is up.

  2. I loved Tomato Girl and Loving Frank. I hope to get Trail of Crumbs soon.

  3. I'm right with you with *Tomato Girl* and *Olive Kitteridge*. *Loving Frank* is waiting for me on the bookshelf ...

    Looks like we have very similar taste; I'll have to add the other two titles to my wish list!

    She is Too Fond of Books

  4. Jill, you are keeping me busy, now I have to read what you consider the 5 best of the year! When Chris starts complaining about me never spending any time with him, I'm blaming you!

  5. I haven't read any of these but Loving Frank is on my TBR shelf!

  6. I loved Olive Kitteridge too, I just didn't put it on my list...I had a fun theme going, and Olive didn't seem like she fit with the rest of the crowd.

  7. Tomato Girl is my favorite for 2008. I've heard you talk about 'Loving Frank' and how much you loved it. I'm adding it to my list.

  8. We Need To Talk About Kevin (Lionel Shriver), Tomato Girl (Jayne Pupek), The Condition (Jennifer Haigh), The Post-Birthday World (Lionel Shriver) and Trespass (Valerie Martin).

    Will check out the two on your list I've never heard of before!

  9. I'm looking forward to reading Trail of Crumbs. I purchased it when I was in LA over Christmas at a wonderful used book store for $2.

    I think I might start it next week; it sounds very promising.

  10. I thought Loving Frank was excellent. I enjoyed getting to know Mamah Cheney- such an interesting character!

  11. Ooh, I don't know how you narrow down to five. Tomato & Olive were both on my top list too. Frank is on my tbr pile. I would add White Mary by Kira Salak and Unaccustomed Earth by Jhumpa Lahiri.

  12. Your pick sounds good.

    Here's the link to mine!
