Wednesday, November 4, 2009

"Waiting On" Wednesday: The Heights

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted here, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

This week's pre-publication "can't-wait-to-read" selection is:

The Heights
By Peter Hedges
Publication Date: March 4

From Amazon:

"Tim Welch is a popular history teacher at the Montague Academy, an exclusive private school in Brooklyn Heights. As he says, "I was an odd-looking, gawky kid but I like to think my rocky start forced me to develop empathy, kindness, and a tendency to be enthusiastic. All of this, I'm now convinced, helped in my quest to be worthy of Kate Oliver." Now, Kate is not inherently ordinary. But she aspires to be. She stays home with their two young sons in a modest apartment trying desperately to become the parent she never had. They are seemingly the last middle-class family in the Heights, whose world is turned upside down by Anna Brody, the new neighbor who moves into the most expensive brownstone in Brooklyn, sending the local society into a tailspin."

What's your "waiting on" pick this week?

Want to participate? Grab the logo, post your own WoW entry on your blog, and leave a link in the comments section!


Mary (Bookfan) said...

The Heights sounds like a great read!
Here's my pick.

A Bookshelf Monstrosity said...

This one's on my wishlist,too.
Here's mine.

Alix said...

The Heights sounds a great book. Here is what I'm waiting for.

Donna said...

Hadn't heard of The Heights before. Sounds good. Mine is here.

Cackleberry Homestead said...

Jill, you always seem to come up with the most interesting reads. This sounds really great. Mine is here.

Karissa E said...

Sounds interesting!
Here's mine.

Unknown said...

That sounds like a good read. Here is my pick.

Anonymous said...

That sounds interesting. To see what I'm waiting for, click Here's here

PolishOutlander said...

Love that it takes place in Brooklyn Heights!
Here is my pick

Kristi said...

The Heights sounds like it would be a fun read.

Mine is here.

Jenna said...

That sounds really interesting!

Here's mine.

Lizzy said...

Sounds like an interesting read!

Here's mine for the week:

Unknown said...

HMM that looks like a neat book, one to add to the list to pick up when it comes out! :)

Here's mine

This is just my 2nd week, I am excited to be able to join in the fun!

Gwendolyn B. said...

I'm going with some new noir this week. Here's mine!

Anonymous said...

I will be adding to my list, thanks for the heads up.
Here's Mine

Mel (He Followed Me Home) said...

That looks like a fun one!

Here's mine!

Sab H. said...

Wow, sounds interesting!

Mine's here!

Kim Pickett said...

Here's mine! The Heights sounds mighty interesting. Thanks!

Carla said...

This sounds fun, love these WOW posts but my pile just gets bigger and bigger each week!

Missy B. said...

This sounds like a good story!

This is what I'm waiting for:

~The Book Pixie said...

The Heights sounds very interesting! Here is what I chose for my pick:


Melanie said...

I've never heard of The Heights, but it sounds great! Here's my pick:

Sara said...

Here's mine!

Lisa (Southern Girl Reads) said...

Hi Jill! This one sounds like a winner! I'll be on the lookout for it in March.

Anonymous said...

Yet another book that sounds interesting!

Here's mine.

Vanessa said...

Here are my picks this week:

Shelly B said...

Not sure why I left today's link on an older Wow...sorry about that!

Here's mine:

Paperback Reader said...

Here's mine:

Unknown said...

Here's mine for this week! :o)


Tynga said...

My Waiting on Wed is Darklight by Leslay Livingston =)

Unknown said...

I just did my first WoW! Here's the link

Unknown said...

This is my first WOW.

I need to work out how to link within a comment.Hmmm...

vvb32 reads said...

so do we have a love triangle in the heights? i'll have to find out more about this one.

Here's my Wow

Pixie said...

Sounds like a good read. You can read mine here.


Nikki @ Bookizzle said...

My first WoW :)

joyh82 said...

Sounds good and I can't believe March will be here before we know it. Here is mine.
Books and Life

bermudaonion said...

After reading the synopsis, I'm waiting on this too!

Robby said...

WoW, the Heights sounds really great.
my WoW post is on By The Time You Read This I'll Be Dead, by Julie Anne Peters.
here's a link-


Nancy said...

The Heights sounds amazing. I will have to look into it.

This is my choice HERE

Stephanie said...

This looks good -- I am a fan of What's Eating Gilbert Grape, which I believe is by the same author. I participated in WoW for the first time. My post is here.

in which a girl reads said...

Here's mine! :)

April said...

This sounds really great!!!

Unknown said...

This is my first time! My choice will make you feel trapped :)

Erotic Horizon said...

here's mine
