As a New Year's gift to my loyal followers, I'm giving away my copy of Saving CeeCee Honeycutt by Beth Hoffman.
Tell me your favorite Southern novel (and why, if you'd like), and I'll randomly pick a winner. This giveaway is open until 11:59 p.m. CST on Tuesday, January 5.
Happy New Year, and thank you so much for your comments and "Waiting On" Wednesday participation in 2009!
Ok, Southern author. Faulkner, Welty, Lee - well sure. But I'll go with one I've discovered in the past year - Mary Kay Andrews. I'm not even sure if she's "from" the South but her books all take place there (at least the ones I've read). I loved The Fixer Upper and then, later in the year, I read Savannah Blues and Blue Christmas.
"CeeCee Honeycut" is on my tbr list. I've heard wonderful things about it.
meah56 at gmail dot com
I just added this to my tbr, so I'd love to win it!
My favorite Southern book is Fair and Tender Ladies by Lee Smith. Her books take place in the southern Appalachians, where I'm from, and this book captured us, our accents, and just people everywhere perfectly. I can't recommend it enough.
Garden Spells by Sarah Addison Allen is one of mmy favorites. I think that is the first book I read that had a little fantasy element in it and I discovered how much I liked it. The NC setting was well done. CeeCee has had some wonderful reviews and I'd really like to read it.
Have a happy, healthy and joyous new year.
To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee. A true, enduring classic
jpetroroy at gmail dot com
My favorite southern author is Michelle Sutton. I hope that counts. I can't choose just one book.
Dorothea Benton Frank is my favorite Southern author. She captures the South Carolina low country perfectly, and weaves in great stories and family sagas.
Thanks for the chance to win CeeCee! I've read many good things about it.
susanaudrey316 at gmail dot com
My favorite Southern novel is Carolina Moon by Jill McCorkle. I'm a huge fan of her books, but that one remains my favorite. Thanks!
My favorite Southern novel is....anything by Dorothea Benton Frank!!!!!
Hi Jill! I stopped by to wish you a Happy New Year and was happy to find your giveaway! How nice!
Since I have so many southern novels I love, I'm picking one that I read this year. It is The Help by Kathryn Stockett. It was simply a great story with fantastic characters!
It would be a tie between Margaret Maron and Pat Conroy. Please enter me.
tbranco(at)hughes (dot)net
To Kill a Mockingbird!! Thanks for the giveaway. Happy New Year!
s.mickelson at gmail dot com
Danielle Steel writes a lot of good books about the South... i am not sure if she is a southern author or not
My favorite Southern novel of all-time is Gone With The Wind. It's just an epic tale.
My favorite is A Time to Kill. Great movie too! Thanks!
To Kill a Mockingbird is my favorite.
I enjoyed the book Moon Women by Pamela Duncan
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
my favorite southern novel that i have recently read would have to be 'the sweet potato queens' first big-ass novel'. it made me laugh the entire way through yet provoked some thoughtful emotions along with it!!
thanks for the giveaway...i've read so many raving reviews that i can't wait to read 'ceecee'!
My favorite Southern book is To Kill a Mockingbird.
I'd love to read this book! My favorite southern book is Garden Spells by Sarah Addison Allen!
Thanks for the great giveaway!
js1997 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
I recently read The Help by Kathryn Stockett and it is one that sticks in the mind long after finishing it.
eswright18 at gmail dot com
My favorite Southern writer is Fannie Flagg. I loved Fried Green Tomatoes.
To Kill a Mockingbird, without a doubt!
(at)))) gmaildotcom
To Kill a Mockingbird
I know the sweeps is closed, just wanted to add this.
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