Wednesday, December 1, 2010

"Waiting On" Wednesday: Save As Draft

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted here, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

This week's pre-publication "can't-wait-to-read" selection is:

Save As Draft
By Cavanaugh Lee
Publication Date: February 1

From the author:

A broken engagement, a broken heart, and endless drafts of unsent emails. A love triangle unfolding in the electronic age illustrates all that can go wrong (and right) by this new form of miscommunication. Told in “electro-epistolary” form, the novel unfolds entirely through emails and text messages. What do these tools of technology mean for love? What happens when age-old courtship rituals fall prey to the ever-changing sensibilities of how we share not only information, but our own hearts?

What's your "waiting on" pick this week?

Want to participate? Grab the logo, post your own WoW entry on your blog, and leave your link below!


Tara said...

Huh! That's an interesting premise. And the cover is cool. I hope you enjoy it when you get it!

June G said...

this book is certainly a sign of the times. Love the "apple" logo. Definitely a fresh choice!

Claire @ YA Bookie Monster said...

I really like that cover :) I hope that you enjoy your book when it comes out!

Skye (In The Good Books) said...

Sounds like a good book. Might put it on my TBR list.

My WoW post: (my first time participating :D).

lady reader said...

Nice choice. Hope you have a great week! :)

Carissa said...

Interesting choice!

Aylee said...

Love the cover!

bibliophile brouhaha said...

Ohhh, this sounds good! Kind of like Bridget Jones meets He's Just Not That Into You. Great pick!

-Linds, bibliophile brouhaha

Joli @ Actin' Up with Books said...

This books sounds so good. It reminds me of the Drew Barrymore character in He's Just Not That Into You when she talks about trying to get in touch with a guy, through text, email, phone and MySpace only to be rejected by 5 different modes of communication. Save as Draft will definitely be going on the Wishlist.

S (Book Purring) said...

Yay! I'm here early :)

The Crooked Bookshelf said...

this book sounds really interesting.. and the cover is so unusual

Reading Lassie said...

The cover is so simple yet very pretty. :)

Tammy (The Book Fairy's Haven) said...

Oh, this book definitely sounds interesting. Might have to add it to my TBR pile too. :)

Aleksandra said...

This one sounds really interesting :)

Kaza (UF/PR series) said...

Never heard of that book before but it looks good.

My WoW:

News Zone said...

thanks for sharing... please visit me back

Anonymous said...

Sounds great!!! It sounds like a guilty pleasure read... and who doesn't like one of those?

Sugar and Snark said...

That sounds great!

Paul said...

Sounds interesting. Will definitely be on my TBR list.

Jan von Harz said...

I am intrigued by the premise and the format. Definitely one I need to check out. Thanks

Shonda said...

As usual, good pick! I enjoy reading books in text messages, email format so this will definitely be added to my 2011 TBR List.

Kat said...

Interesting choice. I love the really eye-catching cover and great title.

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Wow, what a unique story...I've read epistolary tales told in letter format, but this one sounds so completely timely.

Thanks for sharing and for hosting.

bermudaonion said...

I love epistolary novels so this one sounds good to me!

Liz H said...

That sounds so interesting. Can't wait to see what you think of the story and the format when you read it.

Cindy said...

That cover looks really cool. I like the idea. Thanks for finding another one I haven't seen. :-)

Anonymous said...

Interesting pick :-) Strangely enough...while your book is made up of e-mails, it sounds like the book I chose this week is made up nearly entirely of Tweets! Umm...snap?

Pixie said...

Interesting concept - Wonder if the text messages will be text speech or actual written messages?

Sugarbeat said...

This week I decided to list the books that I'm waiting to arrive in the mail because it seem like they are taking way toooo long!

Melissa (i swim for oceans) said...

That's a witty title with a cute premise! I probably wouldn't have heard of it otherwise...thank you! :)

Jamie said...

The cover is really interesting!

Carrie at In the Hammock Blog said...

what an awesome title! thanks for sharing!! :)

Maggie Desmond-O'Brien said...

This premise and cover make me giggle, which is always an excellent sign. This book is definitely a sign of the times! =) Hope you enjoy it.

Anonymous said...

The email triangle sounds kind of interesting. Thanks for sharing.

My WOW is a little different.

Jessica @ Laugh Love Write

joyh82 said...

Sounds like another great pick. I love reading books with email format.
Joy at Books and Life

Sara said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
BLHmistress said...

lol this sounds so good , hard to believe we ever used to write letters now its emails, texts and tweeting lol.

Mari - Escape In A Book said...

I enjoy reading novels that includes text-messages and email's so this one sounds very interesting.

Unknown said...

I like the title of the book, it's intriguing and draws me in.

lulilut said...

The heart/apple is cute.
I haven't heard of this one before - I think iDrakula by Bekka Black was written in this format. I need to put both on my to-read list.

Pamela said...

Interesting! I think it might be an eye opener to some people who are so "plugged in".
I left my link, it's only my second WoW!!

Bri Ahearn said...

I love epistolary novels! This sounds great.

Anonymous said...

I'm not crazy about epistolary novels in general. They always seem censored to me. Kind of a form of an unreliable narrator. I mean, a journal is one thing, but I can't see any letter writer not holding something back. It's human nature. We think before we write and that fact is compounded when we know others are going to read what we write.

Unknown said...

@rubylavender. Understand your complaint, but in this epistolary novel you have the benefit of the endless draft emails. Thus, you get the uncensored version of each character's thoughts before you see the censored version that each character sends. That's the theme of the book. It's the best of both worlds, in my opinion.

Gina @ My Precious said...

An interesting premise for a novel.

Unknown said...

This is totally off topic, but I wanted to announce I have awarded you the Versatile Blogger award. I love your blog. Pop over to mine to grab the button.

Dana @

Deb said...

Lots to love about this one! I'm an excited participant.
You can see how popular it is by all your followers!
It's going to be fun to track.


TheBookGirl said...

I guess the Dear John letter will give way to the Dear John email?

Hope you enjoy this when it comes out, and thanks as always, for hosting :)

Anonymous said...

Just linked up =D

Jess :)

Mavis Davis said...

I love this feature, as it makes me look forward to Wednesday!!

Hannah @ Every Little Thing said...

Sounds kind of like a good read! The cover is kinda cool :D

Here's my WoW post: