Wednesday, April 13, 2011

"Waiting On" Wednesday: The Winters in Bloom

 "Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted here, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

This week's pre-publication "can't-wait-to-read" selection is:

The Winters in Bloom
By Lisa Tucker
Publication Date: September 13

From author's website:

Together for over a decade, Kyra and David Winter are happier than they ever thought they could be.  They have a comfortable home, stable careers, and a young son, Michael, who they love more than anything.  Yet because of their complicated histories, Kyra and David have always feared that this domestic bliss couldn’t last--that the life they created was destined to be disrupted.  And on one perfectly ordinary summer day, it is: Michael disappears from his own backyard.  The only question is whose past has finally caught up with them: David feels sure that Michael was taken by his troubled ex-wife, while Kyra believes the kidnapper must be someone from her estranged family, someone she betrayed years ago.

What's your "waiting on" pick this week?

Want to participate? Grab the logo, post your own WoW entry on your blog, and leave your link below!


Lizzy said...

Hmm, sounds like an interesting mystery!

June G said...

This sounds pretty involved. Nice choice!

Jess (Gone with the Words) said...

Oh, great pick! Sounds suspenseful!

Anonymous said...

Love the sound of your pick. I'm putting it on my list to watch for. Great selection!

Lori @ Romancing the Dark Side said...

The synopsis sounds like a great suspense and mystery. I'll have to check this one out!

Vy said...

Thanks for sharing this great pick! This is something I'm going to look into.

Carissa said...

Ooo the past coming back to haunt the main character always makes for a great read!

Kristen - Seeing Night said...

Sounds like a good one. Great pick! I havent read a good mystery and suspense book in a while

lulilut said...

This type of book can be so compelling but so close to home making it difficult to read especially if the writer can make it feel so realistic. I'm always torn - should I read or not.
(But The Lovely Bones was such a wonderful read...)

Jennifer A said...

Oh, wow! That sounds really good! I'm really glad you shared it because I don't think i would have read the description otherwise. Great choice!

Book Minions said...

Sounds like it might be a nail biter. Seems interesting though! Hope it is what you expect it to be, or surpasses it.

Carina said...

Wow, this sounds really interesting. Might put that on the list of books I want to read. :)

Tina's Blog said...

I really like Lisa Tucker's books, so I am looking forward to this one.

Patricia said...

Great pick!

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

Have not heard about this book or author previously; enjoy Jill.

nomadreader said...

I really enjoyed one of her novels years ago in college, but for some reason I've never picked her books up again. Thanks for reminding me of an author I previously enjoyed!

Yvonne said...

This sounds like a really good book.

Anonymous said...

Your pick sounds quite interesting. I may just have to put it on my tbr list as well.

Michelle Greathouse said...

Another new to me author. :)

Have a great day.


TheBookGirl said...

Wow, this sounds like a book that would grab me right in...great pick!
The author's name sounds familiar to me; I have to check and see what else she has written, maybe I've read her before ?

Kristen said...

That sounds like a great book!

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Oh, what an awesome story...I must add this one to my list!

Truly Bookish said...

Theat sounds really good! Great pick!
Truly Bookish

Lindsay said...

I can't wait to read this one! It sounds SO good! Adding it now =)

Gwendolyn B. said...

Wow! What a family! I've enjoyed Lisa Tucker's previous books, so I'll definitely be checking this one out.

Alayne said...

This sounds quite intriguing!
Alayne - The Crowded Leaf.

Unknown said...

I have to add that one to my list.

Cheyenne said...

Ooh, that sounds good! :)

Here's mine:

joyh82 said...

sounds like a great mystery..great pick! Have fun reading ;)

Jez said...

Sounds like suspense and mystery! Nice pick.

Jez said...

Sounds like suspense and mystery! Nice pick.

Book Addictions by Christina said...

Hello my name is Christina and I just signed up to start posting WoW on my blog! I have seen this on many other blogs and I absolutely love it!! thanks:)

Eli said...

Awesome pick! It sounds really good. :)

Marce said...

That does sound good, never heard of it before. I wonder what the history is for both parents.

Unknown said...

This looks very emotional, love it!

bookworm1494 said...

Sounds like a good book!

Check out my WOW

Shelly B said...

Sounds so good!

Fairy in Stitches said...

That sounds like it would be a good book. Nice pick. Thanks for hosting!

Anonymous said...

Sounds intriguing and interesting.

Jenny said...

Thanks for the post idea. I'm new to the whole blogging thing.

kathy said...

Sounds like an interesting read. I'll have to remember it for later in the year when it comes out. :)

Mysteriousrose said...

Very interesting choice, I will have to put it in my TBR pile.
Thank you for sharing:-)


Unknown said...

Sounds like a good book. You can see my WOW here:

Taylor said...

Oh that sounds like a great book, I think I'll have to add that to my "To read" list :)

Sarah (The Brazen Bookworm) said...

Good pick...sounds like a great read!

bermudaonion said...

Wow, I'm curious about their pasts now!

readingwiththefishes said...

I'm also waiting for this one! :)

Lisa Mandina said...

Sounds like there could be a good twist to this book.

Erika said...

I am definitely going to look into this mystery.

Great Pick,
Erika @ Let's talka about books

Booklover-Book Chicks said...

Now I can tell why your interested in this sounds amazing. =)

Yaseena said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Yaseena said...

This looks really interesting! might have to mark it to read on GR

Lumee said...

Ooo, the Winter's In Bloom sounds interesting. I wonder what happened to Michael. I'm guessing it was neither of their crazy backgrounds but just some psycho. My second guess is that it's the ex-wife. Aren't ex-wife's always crazy?

Jim said...

Sounds interesting. Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Hmm, sounds interesting.