Wednesday, July 13, 2011

"Waiting On" Wednesday: Before Ever After

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted here, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

This week's pre-publication "can't-wait-to-read" selection is:

Before Ever After
Samantha Sotto
Publication Date: August 2

From Library Journal:

Twentysomething Shelley’s world is shattered as she hears her husband being blown up while talking to him on the phone. Three years later, she’s made little progress in getting beyond her paralyzing grief when she opens the door to a man who looks so much like her husband, Max, that she faints. Paolo’s story is so utterly ­improbable—Max was his grandfather who never aged—that she can barely keep it together. The two grieving survivors head to Europe to retrace the offbeat continental tour that Max led five years before. As they slowly unravel the mystery of Max’s immortality and multiple reincarnations, Shelley and Paolo seem to be getting closer to finding the latest version of Max.

What's your "waiting on" pick this week?

Want to participate? Grab the logo, post your own WoW entry on your blog, and leave your link below!


Anonymous said...

I don't usually like sad reads but it sounds interesting.

My W.O.W

Unknown said...

This sounds heartfelt and epic. I'm adding it to my TBR! Oh, and that title is great!

Marla said...

I just got this in the mail last week. I'm really looking forward to reading it.

Jess (Gone with the Words) said...

I can't wait to read this book either! It sounds romantic and mysterious.

Lea Christine said...

My WoW for this week is Darker Still by Leanna Renee Hieber...

Lea @ LC's Adventures in Libraryland

Happy reading everyone!! :D

Shannon The Bookstalker said...

I usually read YA books but I heard about his one a couple of weeks ago and really want to read it too! Great pick!

Carissa said...

This novel sounds breathtaking! It's definitely going on my list!

June G said...

Ooh! I've got this one too! I can't wait to sink my teeth into and get to the bottom of this mystery. Great choice!

Kristen - Seeing Night said...

That sounds so sad... I love the cover though its really vintage looking.

Anonymous said...

Maybe I should invest in Kleenex stock before giving this one a go. Sounds like it will be a good read though. xo~ Sara

landofbooks said...

This sounds like a really great tragic book.

My Waiting on Wednesday.

lulilut said...

I haven't heard of it before. The reviews are all over the place at goodreads.

mfay2 said...

I've been seeing this book around a lot.

TG said...

Before Ever After sounds good...spooky, too.

Scarlett said...

thanks so much for always hosting this!

Here’s my WOW!

Ayanami Faerudo said...

Poor Shelley... how awful that she lost her husband while talking to him.

But this book really has an interesting concept!

Bronagh said...

This sounds absolutely brilliant - will definitely be adding to my wish-list!!

Tina's Blog said...

I just saw something about this one somewhere. On my list. I see you are reading The Gap Year right, too.

Anonymous said...

I got a copy of BEFORE EVER AFTER this week in the mail - an ARC. I'm really looking forward to reading it. Doesn't it sound good?

Christina T said...

I am looking forward to this one too. I haven't read The Time Traveler's Wife (saw the movie) but this synopsis reminds me of it a little. Great pick!

Jessica E. Subject said...

That book sounds awesome! Adding to my TBR list. Thank you!


Jan von Harz said...

Very interesting premise I think this would make a very emotional and intriguing read. Great pick!

Shonda said...

I haven't heard of this one. I'll have to make a note to download the sample on my Kindle when it's released. I'm definitely curious now.

Lilie said...

It really sounds interesting but sad :( I think I'll add it to my wish list as it sounds promising :D Thanks for sharing!

Here is my WOW

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

This really appeals to me. Thanks for pointing it out to us.

Beth S. said...

Ooh! This book sounds fab! Definitely adding it to my TBR pile!

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Wow, what an incredible story! Thanks for sharing.

Grace at Feeding My Book Addiction said...

This is the third blog post I've read this week that mentioned this book. It sounds like it will be a compelling read. I'm going to have to get my hands on a copy!

Double Feature: Waiting on Wednesday and WWW Wednesday

Mimi Valentine said...

Aww, that book sounds so sad. :( But it also sounds really good and heartfelt and romantic... I hope you like it!

This is my second WOW ever, and I chose Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver! :)

Thanks so much for hosting this awesome meme!

Unknown said...

This sounds amazing! Definetely going in my to-read list.

Dawn said...

The book sounds great! I love how the binding makes in look old.

Dawn from Read Love

Jennifer G. said...

I haven't heard of this book before, but it sounds really interesting. I'm going to add it to the TBR.

Mary @ BookSwarm said...

Sounds like an interesting pick. Not my cup of tea but I know some folks who might love it!
Happy reading,
Mary @ Book Swarm

Maya said...

Wow, that looks like a powerful read. Thanks for sharing!

Jennifer_After_Dark said...

your book sounds sad and heartbreaking,,and I want to read it..thanks for sharing

bermudaonion said...

I got this last week and it does look marvelous.

Sarah said...

Oh wow, that sounds like a really sad, but intense book!

Here's my WoW for this week.

♥ Sarah

Unknown said...

now I’m curious...hmmmm...

Taylor said...

This sounds like a good book, I've had this on mt TBR list for awhile now :)


Hannah said...

I recognize the cover for this book so I know I had heard about it. Good pick!

Sally said...

How strange does that book sound - I am definitely intrigued.

Tristan said...

Books like this make me nervous, but it does sound interesting
Tristan @Reads With Wreckless Abandon

Kaytee said...

This sounds really good!

Drowning In Books said...

I love W.o.W :3

Mine are at

Brenna said...

I love this meme! It's my first time doing it, but I love to read what other people want to read!

Anonymous said...

Oh I want this book! I have never heard of it before!! Reminds me a little of the Fallen series by Lauren Kate! Greatttt pick!

Thanks for sharing & hosting! :)


Coranne said...

I've never heard of this book before. It looks interesting... and sad.

Thanks for sharing!

Ashley Ziemer said...

Nice pick!

Mine is here: Coffeelicious Bookaholic

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good read.

Lisa Mandina said...

That sounds like a great book! Thanks for sharing. I'm adding it to my TBR list now!

Unknown said...

This is on my list too! My WoW is right here!
Oh, and I'm a new follower!

Michelle Santiago said...

i'm really excited about this book too. i love the plot line and i'm curious how it will turn out to be with Shelley and Paolo.

Cecelia said...

Oh wow, that sounds seriously good, and I'm not usually into these tragic ones, either. I like the complication of immortality. Great pick!

Idris said...

Wow, this one looks good! thank you for sharing! : )

Traci @ The Reading Geek said...

This sounds really interesting, heartbreaking, and romantic. I might have to check this out.

Emma said...

Looks good. here is my pick for this week...

Unknown said...

Hi! This is my first week participating in this meme, I hope you all like my choice :D

This is my WoW:



District YA said...

Ooooh my first time doing a proper WOW - feels good :D

LoveOfBooks said...

This sounds interesting. I really like the reincarnation stories that have been popping up lately.


Lacey said...

Thanks, Jill. I'm excited to be particapting, love your blog.


Unknown said...

The cover looks very interesting. The story sounds like it'd be a tear jerker heh.

Louisa @ Words I Write Crazy said...

That sound pretty interesting! I'd love to check it out!

The Fiction Fairy said...

Can't wait to see your review of this book when you get to read it! The cover makes me feel very at ease like a warm spring day!! Stop by and see what I'm waiting on!

Mandroid said...

The first sentence of the description made my heart jump in my throat, so I think I might have to pass on that one. Interested in hearing what you think though.

I've been doing WOW for a few weeks now, but this is my first "official" one. Thanks for hosting this every week!

Molli @ Once Upon a Prologue said...

I think this book sounds SO good! I added it to my Goodreads TBR the other day and I can't WAIT to read it!

Anonymous said...

Hm... it'll be interesting to learn who Max's latest incarnation is... though the synopsis gives plenty of hints. =) Thanks for commenting at my WoW.

Drowning In Books said...

I love sad books, gonna look into this :)

Anonymous said...

New follower. I didn't realize you were the mastermind behind this meme but I updated my site to make sure you got all the credit!

Anonymous said...

Interesting Pick.

I can't wait until Soul Thief comes out!
Want to know more?
Check it out!


steve said...

Thanks again for fantastic book and I am so happy you sent it all the way to me! :)

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