Wednesday, July 6, 2011

"Waiting On" Wednesday: Starting from Happy

 "Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted here, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

This week's pre-publication "can't-wait-to-read" selection is:

Starting from Happy
By Patricia Marx
Publication Date: August 23

From Amazon:

While waiting in line for apple pie at a party, Imogene Gilfeather, a lingerie designer who does not understand the reason for romance, meets Wally Yez, a scientist whose business card says “An Answer for Everything.” Imogene is told that Wally is the perfect guy. He is told that her company, Featherware, manufactures intimates (that gets his attention). Unfazed by Imogene’s indifference, Wally resolves to win her over. E-mails turn into late-night phone calls; one date turns into two and then into more. Thus begins the most absurd and amusingly unbalanced relationship to grace the pages of a novel.

What's your "waiting on" pick this week?

Want to participate? Grab the logo, post your own WoW entry on your blog, and leave your link below!


Unknown said...

I totally want to read this! Why? This line: "Thus begins the most absurd and amusingly unbalanced relationship to grace the pages of a novel."

It sounds awesome! Great pick!

Anonymous said...

Starting from Happy sounds interesting and like my kind of read. The cover also made me smile =)
Here's my W.O.W :

-Mocha from A Cupcake and A Latte: YA Reads, Reviews & More!.

Casey (The Bookish Type) said...

Aww this sounds like a fun romcom!

Patrick(iRandomBlogger) said...

Never heard of this one.
Check out my WOW
Click Here

Kaity said...

I love books that have covers like this one, I'm always drawn to them in stores even though they're simpler than most. Sounds like it will be a fun read, great WoW! Hadn't heard of this one before.

nix said...

sounds interesting! Love this meme...

Gina @ My Precious said...

Sounds like a super cute, funny read.

Unknown said...

Sounds like a good one. My WoW is up as well


thepamjelly said...

Sounds like a fun read! :)

By the way, sorry for double posting my link... thought it didn't work the first time. Eek. >_<

Shonda said...

I like the sound of this one! The title immediately grabbed my attention.

Jan von Harz said...

This sound like a fun romance. A bit out of the ordinary definitely charming.

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

Sounds like a fun read many will enjoy.

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Oh, this one sounds like fun! Thanks for sharing.

Charlotte said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Charlotte said...

whoops--I forgot to make sure that I had the right link ready to paste! Sorry!

So that's why I'm in twice.

Hangs head.

TheBookGirl said...

Definitely sounds like a great relationship novel - really different!

Jennifer G. said...

This one sounds good!

Miss Watson said...

Another Wednesday, another great book :)

=) Lisa

tweezle said...

I've never heard of this book. Sounds like a great read!

Idris said...

Never heard of this one, but it looks really good...

Anonymous said...

I love that cover. Thanks for highlighting it. Sounds like one I would definitely enjoy!

Natalie said...

Lol this sounds like a fun novel! I might have to pick it up when it comes out if I see a copy at the library

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Oh that sounds like a good read. I just did my first ever "Waiting On Wednesday" post, so please drop by and comment if you have the time :)

P.S. Sorry I deleted my first comment but I had the link to my blog on it not straight to my "WOW" post

Gwendolyn B. said...

Sounds like a fun summer read! I'll keep it in mind.

Karen said...

That looks like a great book! Adding it to my list as well.

Kat @ NoPageLeftBehind said...

The cover made me chuckle :)

What an amusing sounding book...I'll definitely be on the watch for it!

mrs_laura_koehler said...

Man this cover is too cute and the book sound good.
Please check out my WoW.

bermudaonion said...

I'd buy that book just for the cover!

Mardel said...

LOL - this does sound like something I'd enjoy, and it's not even urban fantasy (my favorite).

Ria Cruz said...

Here is my WoW

Nerissa said...

This book sounds really interesting. I'm such a sucker for stories with any kind of romance in it. Thanks for mentioning it!

nomadreader said...

I loved loved loved her first novel, and I'm really looking forward to this one. Great pick1

mrs_laura_koehler said...

Yea I am new. Thanks for the welcoming!!!!
Love your blog.

kathy said...

Thanks for hosting! Nice pick. It sounds like a cute read. :)

Taylor said...

This sounds like a fun read! The cover makes me happy hehe :)

Here's my Waiting On Wednesday:


Kaytee said...

This sounds like an awesome book :)

Michelle @ Much Loved Books said...

Never heard of this book but it sounds like it could be a good read.

My WOW is Here

Shelagh said...

Starting from Happy sounds like it will be a quirky read - and a little something different from the normal romance novel.

Fun pick this week Jill!

The Word Fiend

Anonymous said...

sounds interesting! Here is my pick this week, Ghost Story by Jim Butcher

Liz L. said...

Sounds interesting ! :D
Here's my pick for this week;

Karen L. said...

How have I not heard of this book yet? It sounds hilarious! So excited now. Thanks!

Louisa @ Words I Write Crazy said...

Sounds like a great book! Have a good reading week!

Anonymous said...

The cover alone is a winner!

Unknown said...

I'm joining this for the first time! :) Sounds like fun!

Dawn said...

Hi, everyone! I'm a newbie on the scene who just joined in on the fun. Enjoying looking at everyone's posts.

Please check me out and let me know how I'm doing. A new girl can always use advice from seasoned bloggers!

Read Love

Stamanah said...

Sounds really good!

gfnijm said...

I'm so sorry for posting my link twice. It's my first time posting in WoW. Anyways, see my Wow here