Wednesday, March 14, 2012

"Waiting On" Wednesday: What Women Want

 Have you entered my giveaway of THE UNDERSIDE OF JOY?

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted here, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

This week's pre-publication "can't-wait-to-read" selection is:

What Women Want
By Fanny Blake
Publication Date: June 19

From Amazon:

Bea, Kate and Ellen have always known that they can depend on each other no matter what. But when Ellen, a widow who has devoted herself to her children and her art gallery for the last ten years, falls head over heels in love with Oliver, the long-term bonds of these three friends is put to the test.  Bea and Kate are driven away from their friend and from each other as they react differently to this unfamiliar stranger in their midst.  What Women Want is a novel about love and life and the challenges of female friendship that face women as they try to decide what they want—and come to realize what they really need.

What's your "waiting on" pick this week?

Want to participate? Grab the logo, post your own WoW entry on your blog, and leave your link below!


Unknown said...

Interesting...Curious about their friendship and if the friends will accept the new boyfriend. Hope they do because she deserves a man! LOL

Bumbles and Fairy-Tales said...

What an interesting pick! It sounds like they're letting a guy ruin their friendship, wondering why... thanks!

Kimberly @ Turning the Pages said...

Great pick :) It sounds really good! I've added it to my list!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like it will be an interesting read :)

Escapism Fanatic said...

Good pick for this week.My WOW
my WOW

Carly said...

Sounds interesting, think I might have to add this to my ever growing TRB list. Thanks for sharing :)


Carly :)

Eleanor said...

This isn't my usual sort of book but it sounds really interesting, may have to give it a go sometime!

(My WOW)

Rachel said...

Sounds like a good contemporary book.

Shonda said...

Good pick! Books centered around female friendships always interest me. Thanks for sharing; I'm adding it to my list.

Hollie said...

Interesting choice this week, thanks for sharing!

TheBookGirl said...

Unfortunately, this is a scenario that is all too familar to many women...I would be curious to see how it all turns out.

Nylez said...

Not my usual read but it's an interesting read. It's something that happens in real life.

Unknown said...

that sounds really interesting and yet really different from what I'm used to. Maybe I'll give it a try!

Girl Who Reads said...

I haven't done a WoW in a while, but since the cover was just released for Temptation I decide to put it up as a WoW post today.

Girl Who Reads

Amy said...

Nice waiting on pick!

Amy said...

This sounds like a very interesting book. Sounds like she deserves a good boyfriend, but hopefully she isn't going to lose her friends.

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

I like the sound of this one! Thanks for sharing.

Dawn said...

Looks like a great read! Thank you for hosting this meme!

Dawn said...

Looks like a great read! Thank you for hosting this meme!

SJune said...

I normally read YA, but this one looks great. Thanks for hosting.

fakesteph said...

Thanks for hosting. I love reading these every week, but this is my first week participating.

joyh82 said...

Guys..who needs
Great pick and have fun reading it.
This week looks like a ton of great blogs to check out. Thanks again for hosting!

Lisa@GadgetsNBooks said...

This book sounds like a great read for vacation. I can see myself now at the lake lounging and reading it.

Anonymous said...

Sounds good. First I've heard of it.

Safari Poet

Angieleigh said...

Definitely adding this to my TBR list at Goodreads!

Tammy Sparks said...

My first Waiting on Wednesday...happy to be a part of it!

Unknown said...

Interesting... I love the premise of three best friends. Thanks for sharing!


Devan @ Book Strings said...

I really like the cover and sounds like a good read. My WoW this week is a Middle Grade read, Lisa McMann's Island of Silence.

Alishia said...

Sounds interesting.

Mariana S said...

Looks really interesting!

Kristin A. said...

Not something I'd read but thanks for sharing!

Heather said...

Sounds like a good read. Here's mine: Have a great Wednesday!

Lisa Mandina said...

I think women's relationships are always interesting to read about.

newshadeofgreen said...

Sounds like a great novel about friendship among long time girl friends. It's always interesting when a new person is introduced to the mix. Especially a man, and the relationship that takes attention away from the friends. ~ Jen @ A Book and a Latte - My WoW pick!

Laura BurgandyIce said...

Fun choice. Sounds like an intriguing idea that I would not want to get caught in the middle of!! :-) -Burgandy Ice

bermudaonion said...

The book sounds good and pretty true to life.

Mel said...

Wow this sounds like a great read! I'll be looking for it!

roro said...

sounds cool

my 1st WoW

Ninja Girl said...

Hey there,
Love this meme! So happy to be participating this week :)
Ninja Girl

Proserpine said...

Hi! This book sounds good, but still, sad! I hate to see or read about someone who have to choose between love and friendship! I hope/sure it will ending well!

@MelissaJoLynn_ said...

Just posted my first ever Waiting on Wednesday! There are so many books I'm anticipating. It's nice to be able to share with others and find more books to add to my to read list! Here's the link to mine:

Valerie said...

I like how all three words of the title start with a W!

My WoW

Mag @ Geek Chic said...

Interesting! Nice pick!

My WoW

Anonymous said...

Did my first Waiting on Wednesday post today. YAY!

Bellas Shelf said...

First I have heard of this book. It sounds kinda cool too. Sometimes I am looking for a change of pace in my reading. That's why I love WOW's because I see a variety of gr8 books that I can jot down and check out later on.

Jim said...

Looks like a cool read!

Mine is at YA Yeah Yeah if you'd like to take a look.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't exactly seem my taste, but maybe one day I'll pick it up from the library and love it. This is usually the way things go for me.