Wednesday, February 5, 2014

"Waiting On" Wednesday: The Appetites of Girls

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted here, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

This week's pre-publication "can't-wait-to-read" selection is:

The Appetites of Girls

By Pamela Moses
Publication Date: June 26

From Amazon:

Self-doubting Ruth is coddled by her immigrant mother, who uses food to soothe and control. Defiant Francesca believes her heavy frame shames her Park Avenue society mother and, to provoke her, consumes everything in sight. Lonely Opal longs to be included in her glamorous mother’s dinner dates—until a disturbing encounter forever changes her desires. Finally, Setsu, a promising violinist, staves off conflict with her jealous brother by allowing him to take the choicest morsels from her plate—and from her future. College brings the four young women together as suitemates, where their stories and appetites collide. Here they make a pact to maintain their friendships into adulthood, but each must first find strength and her own way in the world. 

What's your "waiting on" pick this week?

Want to participate? Grab the logo, post your own WoW entry on your blog, and leave your link below!


A Belle’s Tales said...

This sounds like a truly intriguing read! Thanks so much for sharing :)

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

I like the look of this one. Thanks!

Page said...

Wow. This one sounds really interesting. I'm intrigued by the different perspectives.

kk said...

Sounds like an interesting read, the cover really caught my eye! Thanks for sharing :)

Anonymous said...

The cover is really eye catching! Very interesting, thanks for sharing!

Jennie said...

I really like the cover art on this one. It sounds like an interesting read. Thanks for sharing!

Joli @ Actin' Up with Books said...

I'm adding this book to my list of must reads. I'd not heard of it before but it sounds like one that I would enjoy.

Unknown said...

I've never seen this one before but it looks awesome. I hope you enjoy it.


bermudaonion said...

You had me at immigrant mother!

Unknown said...

I'm really not into books who deal with so many characters' stories all at once, but this one sounds interesting. Thanks for sharing :)

Unknown said...

Sounds like there could be a bit too much going on but the theme of eating disorders sounds interesting!

Renee said...

Definitely sounds interesting. Thanks for sharing. Happy Reading!

Unknown said...

That sounds intense, and I hadn't heard of it before. Adding to my TBR.

Anonymous said...

I'm not much of a foodie but that book looks interesting.
Thanks for hosting this meme :)
Have a sweet day.

Anonymous said...

Sounds really interesting. I love the cover! Thanks for sharing.

Lisa Mandina said...

Oooh, that does sound interesting!

Unknown said...

Wow that books seems very intense and intruiging. Might just add it on my tbr :)

Here's mine:

Beth Hoffman said...

Sounds good. I hadn't heard of it before. I'm waiting for Erika Robuck's newest, Fallen Beauty.

Happy reading, Jill!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a good book!

Anonymous said...

Sounds great! As matter of fact is totally for a tv serie!!!

NenaTH said...

Hmm, that Sounds great!

Anonymous said...

Definitely seems like a interesting storyline! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like an interesting read, not sure if it's really my type of book though. Happy Wednesday!

Unknown said...

This looks really good! My heart squeezed a little.

Becca F (ReadingTeen) said...

Awesome choice! Sounds like a great read!! Thanks for sharing :)

Laura said...

This one sounds really interesting. Might just have to pick it up. Thanks for Sharing. Laura at Through Razzberry Colored Glasses