Wednesday, February 25, 2015

"Waiting On" Wednesday: The Sweetheart Deal

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted here, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

This week's pre-publication "can't-wait-to-read" selection is:

The Sweetheart Deal
By Polly Dugan

Publication Date: May 19

From Amazon:

Leo has long joked that, in the event of his death, he wants his best friend Garrett, a lifelong bachelor, to marry his wife, Audrey. One drunken night, he goes so far as to make Garrett promise to do so. Then, 12 years later, Leo, a veteran firefighter, dies in a skiing accident. 

As Audrey navigates her new role as widow and single parent, Garrett quits his job in Boston and buys a one-way ticket out west. Before long, Audrey's feelings for Garrett become more than platonic, and Garrett finds himself falling for Audrey, her boys, and their life together in Portland. When Audrey finds out about the drunken pact from years ago, though, the harmless promise that brought Garrett into her world becomes the obstacle to his remaining in it.

What's your "waiting on" pick this week?

Want to participate? Grab the logo, post your own WoW entry on your blog, and leave your link below!


Kim@Time2Read said...

This one sounds like a cute story...and a bit of a twist on the 'terminally ill wife seeking new spouse for her husband' theme I've seen before. Thanks for sharing!

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Sounds like a heartwarming story.

Camille Flores said...

This one sounds like such a sweet story. I'm always apprehensive about this kind of set-up but I hope the author delivers well and you'll enjoy reading it. :)

Aizel Macaldo said...

This sounds interesting and heart-breaking. :)

Page said...

Okay, so... I don't really find this all that cute. There's something really sad about this premise. I don't think I could read it without feeling terribly for Leo.

Here's my post.

Page @ Never Enough Shelf Space

Laura said...

Can understand her doubting him a little once she finds out about the promise. Hope it has a happy ending!

Kay said...

Hmmm...I think I'd have to see how I fared in the first 50 pages or so. Sometimes books like this really click with me and sometimes not. It could be very sweet though.

Kristin Hackett said...

Thanks for hosting! This is my first week participating!

Grace Fonseca said...

This one sounds very good. I think you will like it.

Grace @ Books of Love

Kristin A. said...

This has lifetime movie potential written all over it. Sounds like it'd be a tear jerker for sure.

Sas @ Tea Mouse Books said...

I'm not sure this is my thing, but it sounds interesting! I hope it's as good as you anticipate!

Lisa Mandina said...

In a way this reminds me of the movie with Katherine Heigl and Josh Duhamel. Not my type of read, but I know people who would enjoy it!

Cristina said...

Definitely sounds like something I would read! Can't wait for the release :)

Here's my WoW post:

Tina's Blog said...

I love the cover on this one! Adding it to my list. :)

Tina said...

This sounds like a great one to add to my TBR. A new twist on a widow finding new love.

Unknown said...

Ooh, I like the premise for this one. Sounds like it will have good tension and romance. Thanks for hosting!

Katiria said...

Great WOW Pick. This one sounds like a beautiful bitter sweet story and I love the cover.

Kim Griffin said...

That sounds really interesting! I'd be pretty suspicious too.

Unknown said...

This looks like such a cute book!

Unknown said...

This sounds like a sweet and romantic story. I hope you enjoy reading it =)

Kaitlan.Olivia said...

Thanks for hosting this awesome meme! This is my first week participating! This book sounds like it is going to bring out the feels!

Diamond said...

This is the first time my co-blogger Alex is participating on my blog with me !! Please head over and send us some love :D :D

Thanks for sharing everyone xD

Diamond + Alex @ Dee's Reads

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Thousands of people in Gaza have broken into aid depots to take supplies in what the UN called a "worrying sign of civil order starting to break down". รับสร้างบ้านเชียงใหม่