Friday, May 27, 2011

Weekly Roundup 5/27

This week, I finished The First Husband by Laura Dave. It was a fun, easy read...but it also gave me enough food for thought to imagine a "what if" scenario in my own life. And, I came away with another entry for my quote book. Love this:
"You may do this, I tell you, it is permitted. Begin again the story of your life."
--Jane Hirshfield
I don't read a lot of non-fiction, but I love the blog Carrots 'N' Cake, so I was thrilled to get my hands on her new book. It's full of great tips about making good food decisions without depriving yourself...achieving that ideal balance. Plus, it got me back on board with Body Pump, a fantastic class that works every muscle group. I've just been spinning five days a week lately, but I know I need strength training as much as cardio.

For the long weekend, I'm looking forward to finishing The Arrivals by Meg Mitchell Moore and getting started on Summer in the South by Cathy Holton. I also picked up a new cookbook from Southern Living magazine: The Half-Hour Hostess.
Finally, speaking of food, I made these Mini Lasagna Cups for dinner this such a fan of working with wontons, I keep looking for other ways to use them. They were DELICIOUS!


  1. I love your blogg's name. I loved reading your reviews of books that I would never have picked up just naturally. Thank you. You have enriched my life.

  2. Love that quote! I'm looking forward to reading The Arrivals. I love the cover. It's gorgeous! I'm definitely looking forward to summer as I have a list of wonderful titles I hope to read. Enjoy the holiday weekend.

  3. Great quote.
    Thanks for pointing me in your direction, the blog is great.

  4. I read the first Laura Dave novel: London is the Best Place in America and liked it a lot. I should try this one as well. Enjoy Memorial Day Jill.

  5. Mini-lasagna cups look like they're both fun to eat and fun to make. Won-ton wrappers have always scared me; I've assumed they're sort of like filo dough, and you have to rush around and get stuff inside before they're ruined. It doesn't sound like they are. The fact that there are so few ingredients in this recipe is a huge plus. Thanks for the link!

  6. This sounds like it would make a good TV show! For some crazy reason, I Love Lucy comes to
