Wednesday, October 5, 2011

"Waiting On" Wednesday: The Gilly Salt Sisters

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted here, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

This week's pre-publication "can't-wait-to-read" selection is:

The Gilly Salt Sisters
By Tiffany Baker
Publication Date: March 14

From Amazon:

In the isolated Cape Cod village of Prospect, the Gilly sisters are as different as can be. Jo, a fierce and quiet loner, is devoted to the mysteries of her family's salt farm, while Claire is popular, pretty, and yearns to flee the salt at any cost. But the Gilly land hides a dark legacy that proves impossible to escape. Although the community half-suspects the Gilly sisters might be witches, it doesn't stop Whit Turner, the town's wealthiest bachelor, from forcing his way into their lives. It's Jo who first steals Whit's heart, but it is Claire--heartbroken over her high school sweetheart--who marries him.

Years later, estranged from her family, Claire finds herself thrust back onto the farm with the last person she would have chosen: her husband's pregnant mistress. Suddenly, alliances change, old loves return, and new battle lines are drawn. What the Gilly sisters learn about each other, the land around them, and the power of the salt, will not only change each of their lives forever, it will also alter Gilly history for good.

What's your "waiting on" pick this week?

Want to participate? Grab the logo, post your own WoW entry on your blog, and leave your link below!


  1. The Gilly Salt Sisters sounds interesting =)

  2. Ooh, how dramatic! I love the cover, especially the font. Great choice :)

    My WoW :)

  3. whoa, that's a twist about the mistress! i like that it's about sisters.

  4. Oh gosh. I never would have looked at this book on my own. But I love the summary. It seems like it would be a pretty dramatic read. I'm excited.

    If you like, stop by and check out my WoW.

    Kim @ Book Munchies

  5. Wonderful pick this week! Add me to the list of people waiting for this book to be released! Amazing!

  6. This book sounds really good, especially with the witch aspect. =]
    My WoW

  7. This book actually sounds like something I might read. Thanks for sharing. Will definitely look into this one :)

  8. Interesting read, how did you find out about this book ?

  9. The cover looks vaguely familiar, so I think I've come across this book before. However, the blurb doesn't sound like anything I've heard before so I'm intrigued- especially about the mistress part. Great choice!

    Sarah @ Random Thoughts of a Confused Adolescent

  10. Aww, sounds like a family drama... I love the cover... I'm not sure if this books is for me at this moment, but this one looks really good.

  11. The gilly sisters sounds really good after reading the synopsis i'm really curious about it. Great pick.

  12. What is not to like with this one a great setting, sisters grown up and learning new things about themselves sounds awesome.

  13. I'n new to Waiting On Wedneasday! :)

  14. Another great pick, Jill. It's going on my list.

  15. Oh that sounds like an interesting read. s

  16. WOW, this book sounds fascinating! It might actually go on my TBR shelf (haha, like it's not growing enough). Anyway, thank you for the selection!

  17. This one does sound good. Love Cape Cod settings.

  18. I just ADORE the sound of this one! I love reading books about sisters, and I love reading books about witches, so this is a win-win! :)

    Here's my WOW! And you can still enter the first giveaway in my Autumn BookFest if you haven't already!

    You picked another super-cool book for your WOW, Jill! I hope you have an AMAZING Wednesday! :)

  19. Wow, this one sounds really intriguing....unusual and captivating.

  20. I haven't heard of this one, but it sounds really great. This is my first week participating in this meme.

  21. The Gilly Salt Sisters sounds amazing. Great pick!

  22. Not my normal genre but it sounds interesting enough to look into further.

  23. Thank you for continuing to host Waiting on Wednesday. I love having a place to find out about new and upcoming books and bloggers excitement for these books.

    The Gilly Salt Sisters sounds like it is going to have a lot of drama - love triangles, deception, and maybe a bit of mystery. I may just have to check it out.

  24. I haven't heard of this one yet, but I will have to add it to my TBR list. Thanks for hosting and sharing your WOW.

  25. I love books about sisters, looks like a good one, great pick!

    Here's my WoW

  26. I like the sound of this one and haven't heard of it before!

    Our WOW is at Book Sake.

  27. Great and original storyline. I like the sound of two completely different sisters. Sad that one marries out of heartbreak:(

    -Jenna @ Fans of Fiction

  28. Now that sounds like quite the story! ;)

    Thanks for hosting.

  29. That's a cool cover, but not a book I would read. Thanks for sharing it though.

    Erika @ Badass

  30. Oh that sounds like an interesting read :) I may have to check it out!


  31. I've never heard of this book, so thanks for sharing! The cover is pretty. :)

    ~Asheley (Into the Hall of Books)

  32. This sounds great. I have never heard of it before. Great pick.

  33. Ooo...This one sounds amazing!!!

  34. Wow, that sounds pretty awesome. I will have to add this to my list to read!!ps - thanks for hosting :)

  35. This sounds totally amazing! The characters sound worth following and the setting is pure romantic to me. Definitely something I'm going to check out. Thanks!

  36. Great choice!! the Gilly Salt Sisters sounds absolutely intriguing!

  37. Wow, great pick! That sounds like it will be really good!

  38. This one sounds fantastic! I should make time to read her first book now too!

  39. As usual you have found a fascinating book for me to add to my wishlist :) I love sister books and twisty books like this.

    Here is my WoW.

  40. First time hearing about this one, it sounds like it's going to be pretty decent though. I might try reading it eventually.

  41. Thank you for hosting this event. As a new blogger, it is a great way to meet new bloggers, and introduce my blog. Thank you.

  42. Great choice, sounds good to me.

  43. I'm on the fence on this one since I didn't love her first book as much as everyone else did.

  44. awesome choice! stop by mine!

  45. Haven't heard of this one but it looks good! Gonna go add it to my wish list :)


  46. Thank you for having me here. :)


  47. This week I found out about Insignia, which sounds like an Ender's Game type book - so cool!

  48. My first Waiting on Wednesday :) decided to join in on the fun!

  49. Love that cover and the book sounds awesome :D

    Check out my WoW:

  50. I'm new to WoW but I've definitely had fun doing and will keep it up! I like the sound of the novel you chose, dark and mysterious. Added on Goodreads!!

  51. Never heard of the Gilly Salt Sisters, but will definitely check it out!

    New follower. :)

  52. I think you pick will have to go on my list - it sounds really good!

  53. This book sounds intense!Great choice and I'm definitely going to check it out.

  54. I can't wait to read this book. I loved her first book, The Little Giant of Aberdeen County.

  55. This book sounds so heart wrenching and dramatic. The kind of book you'll be dreaming about--or at least that's what I do when I find a good one. I'll check it out for sure!

  56. This book sounds so heart- wrenching and dramatic. The kind of book you'll be dreaming about--or at least that's what I do when I find a good one. I'll check it out for sure!
