Wednesday, June 2, 2010

"Waiting On" Wednesday: The False Friend

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted here, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

This week's pre-publication "can't-wait-to-read" selection is:

The False Friend
By Myla Goldberg
Publication Date: October 5

From Amazon:

Leaders of a mercurial clique of girls, Celia and Djuna reigned mercilessly over their three followers. One after­noon, they decided to walk home along a forbidden road. Djuna disappeared, and for twenty years Celia blocked out how it happened. The lie Celia told to conceal her misdeed became the accepted truth: everyone assumed Djuna had been abducted, though neither she nor her abductor was ever found. Celia’s unconscious avoidance of this has meant that while she and her longtime boyfriend, Huck, are professionally successful, they’ve been unable to move forward, their relationship falling into a rut that threatens to bury them both. Celia returns to her hometown to confess the truth, but her family and childhood friends don’t believe her. Huck wants to be supportive, but his love can’t blind him to all that contra­dicts Celia’s version of the past.

What's your "waiting on" pick this week?

Want to participate? Grab the logo, post your own WoW entry on your blog, and leave your link below!


Anonymous said...

The False Friend sounds really interesting! Added it to my wish list. Thanks for another great pick.

Lizzy said...

The False Friend sounds intense, but good. I'll have to check it out.

Tammy (The Book Fairy's Haven) said...

I think this sounds like a fabulous read - and I'm unbelievably curious as to find out just what happened to her. Think I'll definitely be checking this one out.

Manda said...

Wow that sounds darkly, mysterious. Hope you like it! Looks great.

Unknown said...

The False Friend sounds interesting.

Midnight Sapphire Books said...

Your WoW sounds very interesting!

Aleksandra said...

Sounds really interesting! I hope you'll enjoy it!

Bronagh said...

This sounds really intriguing....

Here's mine:

Leanna Elle said...

Your WoW pick sounds great, Jill! I'm adding it to my wishlist!

Here's my pick for this week:My WoW

Jan von Harz said...

Wow this one sounds amazing. I think this is definitely a book I would enjoy reading.

Erika said...

interesting pick! i'm gonna have to check it out

Kris (Voracious YAppetite) said...

Wow your WoW pick this week sounds really good! I love the mystery and betrayal angle. The cover is cool, too.

Unknown said...

The False Friend looks really good! And having a great cover is a nice bonus.

Also, thanks for putting up a Mr. Linky - it makes checking out other WoW posts a lot easier. ♥

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

I like this author a lot. Bee Season and Wicket's Remedy. Thanks for mentioning this one.

BTW...I love that you added Mr. Linky to this feature. How great and simple too!

Tina's Blog said...

I am excited to read Goldberg's new book. Thanks for the heads up.

The Mistress of the Dark said...

The False Friend sounds fab. I may be adding that to my wishlist, which is getting really long

Mary (Bookfan) said...

Yay, Mr. Linky : )

I think The False Friend sounds like a really good character study!

Meaghan from A Bookworm's Haven said...

I love the cover on the book you chose, looks great!

Maria (Serpentine Library) said...

The False Friend sounds very intense, the summary alone makes we wonder what exactly she's hiding.

Unknown said...

This sounds like it will be good and something I'd enjoy. I've added it to my TBR List.

Book Sake said...

Great WoW pick this week, it sounds like a page turner.

Christina / Book Addict said...

This sounds good- I've seen it around on a few blogs. Great pick!

Unknown said...

This book sounds really good. Looks like there are many good title coming out this fall.

E.J. Stevens said...

The False Friend sounds suspenseful. Great pick!

I'm waiting on The Iron Thorn here.

Happy reading. :)

From the Shadows

Anonymous said...

I haven't read anything by this author before. This one sounds interesting...and it has a great cover!

Aimee said...

The False Friend sounds intriguing!

Anonymous said...

Interesting book choice...btw I love the Mr linkey....

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

That is really a compelling story! I love mysteries that revolve around secrets from the past. I love that cover! I remember that silly game, with the folded paper...

Jennifer said...

This book sounds awesome! Definitely adding to the wish list!

Melissa @ Mel's Books and Info said...

Great book blurb. That one looks good.

Shweta said...

Sounds amazing! I will be adding this to my wishlist :)

Alayne said...

Wow, that looks so mysterious! Great pick! :)
Alayne - The Crowded Leaf

Tampa BookWorm said...

Looks interesting, will have to check it out!

BookHounds said...

Love Mr Linky!
Jill - you always seem to find the best books!

CHRISTIE said...

Your choice sounds really good.

Nyxen Nadine said...

That book sounds really good.
You have great taste in books!

Minding Spot said...

That book, The False Friends, sounds really good!!

Ashley Ziemer said...

The False Friend sounds like a good read. I've never heard of it before. I'll definitely have to put it on my TBR list. Thanks!

joyh82 said...

This sounds right up my alley, I will have to see if my library has it. Have a great week Jill!

Amanda said...

Sounds intense! I think I'll be adding that to my TBR!

Anonymous said...

I will definitely be checking out The False Friend! It sounds like a good one. :-)

Unknown said...

Sounds like a great read - thanks for sharing this one! My current book is a thrilling fiction novel by Laurence Brown called, "The Eighth Scroll." It's like the Da Vinci Code, but it reads like a James Bond novel. It's a faced paced read and really has caught my attention. Love this one!

Kim said...

This book sounds awesome! Very mysterious....

I'm adding it to my list right now!

Anonymous said...

Great book pick, I will have to check it out.

Sara said...

This sounds super good! Definitely something I would enjoy. Thanks for sharing :D

Curling up by the Fire said...

The False Friend has been added to my wish list as it sounds like something I would really enjoy. Thanks for sharing!

Shari said...

I'll be adding The False Friend to my reading list. Thanks!

Literary Feline said...

I really enjoyed the two Myla Goldberg books I read. I will have to look for this one!

bermudaonion said...

Sounds like a winner - I love the title and the cover!

mustafa said...

I find Sounds interesting I hope you'll enjoy... > bilet fiyatları

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oncaday said...

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